(Five years from now, I fear my reaction to most Hot Young Actors will be the Fetus one. It's what I'm fearing most about 40.)
I'm thrilled to say this did not happen to me.
Okay, it totally did, but I've learned to placate that little voice with chocolate and juicy rationalizations.
Thankfully, "can you drink legally?" still seems to be my litmus test for appropriate lust objects.
Hasn't happened to me yet, but I'm not done being 40.
Though Aldis Hodge's age was a bit of a shock. Okay, a lot of a shock. But I just would never have guessed.
Hah, I should have known there was cougar talk on the board.
After spending the afternoon perving on my early 20-something Sensei, lusting after the J's is easy.
If they choose to sin with me in the privacy of my somewhat overheated imagination, why then that's just my business, right?
I am embracing my inner cougar. :-)
ita, how old is Aldis? IMDb has his bio locked up tight in Pro, and I feel dirty paying for pro just to find out his age. Or lack of it.
I'm having a minor geekgasm because that was Carlson onstage behind Kane, Aldis and Ackles. It makes me happy Kane and Carlson still gig together. Neither of them sounds "right" with other backups.
Oh, sorry, wandered o/t. Um, yes, I am ageless on the internets, and as that's as close as I ever really want to get to young actors, there is no age gap. My story, sticking to it.
Beverly, if I recall correctly, he's 22. Babe in arms.
I had gotten the impression from somewhere that he is very young, but I had no way to verify. I think the brother is older.
Thanks, ita.
Well. Well, gracious.
...see, my approach to the age thing is that it's fine to have lustful thoughts about people who are taller than me. (Which, given that I'm five three tops, includes a lot of people.) If they are young enough to be in high school, it is clearly WILDLY inappropriate to do anything about said lustful thoughts, but harbouring them is not in and of itself angst-inducing.
Not that I can think of any 18 year olds I fancy at present, but I shan't be horrified as and when it happens.
Yeah, he's really shockingly young - I remember when it first came up it took some convincing to believe. (But not high school age!)