Well. Well, gracious.
...see, my approach to the age thing is that it's fine to have lustful thoughts about people who are taller than me. (Which, given that I'm five three tops, includes a lot of people.) If they are young enough to be in high school, it is clearly WILDLY inappropriate to do anything about said lustful thoughts, but harbouring them is not in and of itself angst-inducing.
Not that I can think of any 18 year olds I fancy at present, but I shan't be horrified as and when it happens.
Yeah, he's really shockingly young - I remember when it first came up it took some convincing to believe. (But not high school age!)
Jim Beaver's Facebook status today:
Jim Beaver spent the day in the emergency room with the idjits. Life on stage 1.
Uh oh. I wonder if the big gangly puppy broke something again.
I saw that - couldn't tell if Stage 1 WAS the Emergency room, or if something happened on Stage 1 sending the idjits to the Emergency room. I'm hoping for the former. But I'd offer to play nursemaid for the later.
Yeah, guessing it's the latter.
Still can't figure out why all three Js would wind up in an actual ER unless there was widespread injury, and...no. Not willing to entertain that idea. I'm going an ER set and a script. Which is much more intriguing and entertaining.
Still can't figure out why all three Js would wind up in an actual ER unless there was widespread injury, and...no.
I just figured if the only setups were for their scenes, and one of them got hurt, then why not go and hang out and be supportive? It's not as if they can magically ready sets and extras for secondary scenes.
I don't think all three of them got hurt. That would be ... weird.
JB just posted a thing about fake blood, so I'm guessing it's a scene.
About which I can now speculate.
It was too much of a spoiler mine field for me to figure out how to post about it.
I was just going to hop in here and say he posted again and tells you the answer. But you already know.
Buffistas always know.