I can kind of it see his perspective, though, if he's as conscious of his looks as he seems to be, i.e. not wanting to be judged on them instead of his acting.
Still. We like you nekkid occasionally, JA! We still think you're a bang-up thespian, for real!
Plus now they have those silly pesky tattoos for the makeup department to worry about...
Between the tattoo and the handprint I guess they probably think long and hard about de-shirting. Fooey.
Can we volunteer to help with make-up?
...see, on the one hand, I feel bad for the guy about the whole sexual objectification thing. And what I appreciate about him the most
remain his mad acting skillz.
But....he's so pretty sans shirt!
There are sometimes when a shirtless Jensen is critical to the dramatic integrity of the show.
We still think you're a bang-up thespian, for real!
Srsly. We know this already. We promise.
We still think you're a bang-up thespian, for real!
Just a bangable one as well.
plots ways of getting a writing gig on SPN for Season 5, in order to assure viewing public of at least 2 or 3 incidents of tasteful shirtlessness from Jensen and/or Jared per season.
...y'know, I'm not thinking one per episode, or anything. Or anything full frontal, or even tighty whiteys. Just, y'know, topless. Occasionally.
writes letter to Santa, lest Plan A fails
Another shifter seems improbable now, sadly.
::joins in letter writing::
I have been a VERY good girl this year.
Stop it. I have. I can HEAR you laughing, you know.