plots ways of getting a writing gig on SPN for Season 5, in order to assure viewing public of at least 2 or 3 incidents of tasteful shirtlessness from Jensen and/or Jared per season.
...y'know, I'm not thinking one per episode, or anything. Or anything full frontal, or even tighty whiteys. Just, y'know, topless. Occasionally.
writes letter to Santa, lest Plan A fails
Another shifter seems improbable now, sadly.
::joins in letter writing::
I have been a VERY good girl this year.
Stop it. I have. I can HEAR you laughing, you know.
Not laughing, Amy. Glass houses....
Finally caught up in here. I just finished the last few episodes from this season a couple weeks ago.
I've got nothing poignant to add, just wanted to mention that Castiel's host being named Jimmy Novak made me do double-take as that's the name of a DJ that's bounced around assorted Chicagoland rock stations for the last decade or so (and is apparently now working at the local top 40 station *shudder*). I can't help but think it was a shoutout, especially with Jimmy's family living in IL.
Just, y'know, topless. Occasionally.
As much dirt, blood and assorted demon gunk as these boys get on themselves, it seems like a shirt-changing scene or two wouldn't be totally out of line.
Or as many fights as they get in, maybe a shirt could get ripped up occasionally?
I remember Kirk's shirt would be ripped and falling off him if an alien so much as sneezed in his general direction.
Hell, I'd be happy if they just had the boys in a single T-shirt more often, instead of seventeen layers.
::didn't have anything to add::
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Although I think that the lovely Moonlettuce should be in charge of the photospread.
(Bonus points for anyone who spots the one with Jensen Junior outlined quite distinctly. Heh. [And all the lines on that photograph are POINTING at Jensen's crotch, which cannot, surely, be an accident of composition? I swear it reads like a cheesecake shot, for all that the guy's fully dressed. But perhaps that's just me?]) occurs to me that the boys are both from Texas, right? And they're filming up in Vancouver? Clearly they are cold! So what this calls for is scripts that send them to hot, hot, sunny locales, where they will need an absolute maximum of one layer, and where the A/C might break...
Ahem. I detect a plot bunny...
I shall leave you to contemplate her picspam of Jared and indeed wee Misha.
::smishes Misha::
::engages in a whole array of other verbs with the Js::