Tahmoh Penikett is white? The actress who played the angel going all Misery on Castiel is really a man?
Supernatural 2: Why is it our job to save everybody?
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
I guess Dean being gay is canon now, since Anna was a dude.
I think that applying "cis" to any of the angels is unfair, considering it's not their natural form, and most possibly has no bearing on their preference, if there even is one. They are nongendered beings with only two showing any sexual interest, maybe (I may be reading fanon into Balthazar). And who's to say that Gabriel doesn't feel like a woman who likes women, but is in a man's body during the show? Maybe Cas, despite his vessel, associates better with a woman's body, and is hot for Dean? Maybe Hester associated better with a man's body and got stuck with a fierce schoolmarm instead?
No, it's not something the show is exploring, but neither do I see it explicitly excluding those possibilities either. After all, Raphael took a second vessel with a different sex from the first, and Castiel would have been just as happy with Claire as with Jimmy. It's about the bloodline available, not the sex of the body.
Tahmoh Penikett is white? The actress who played the angel going all Misery on Castiel is really a man?
You'd think a fan would at least take a moment to absorb the last episode and even if she didn't know about the guy with the weird name would have noticed 2/5 of the angels were wimmen. Obviously Supernatural is where I pay the most attention, but when people get mad so many of them seem to forget we can see them blathering.
S8 starts reairing on TNT this morning, for anyone who wants to record episodes they missed.
Scaramouche knocked it out of the park again, IMO, with octo!Dean (no bestiality/tentacle sex for those averse). What Has 8 Tentacles And Isn't Allowed To Eat Pie is one of those stories that's pretty tight Dean POV, and his is overly restricted at that by the plot, but everyone's transparent to the reader even if they aren't to him, and it's sweet but not offputtingly so.
I really really want to draw art for this, but her BB artist was kinda childlike and I'm not sure I want to get up in that. Maybe if I do the art just for her and not post it? Then it's her call.
Tahmoh Penikett is white? The actress who played the angel going all Misery on Castiel is really a man?
I know, right? I'm totally shocked to learn these things!
I hope someone corrected her on both counts, but especially Tahmoh Penikett.
Yeah, he takes more after his dad, but dude, how do you miss the part where he's First Nations?
[link] (Also, his sisters, who look more like their mother, are seriously smokin'.)
(I mean, damn.)
On first glance, without knowing his name, I would have guessed Penikett was white. And even knowing his name, I had no idea what his heritage was without looking it up.
One thing I don't get is Ezekiel's concern about Sam rejecting him after the fact. The dealings pretty much every angel we've seen have with their vessels clearly established that they only needed the initial consent to have access. That was even a plot point regarding Sam and Lucifer.