On first glance, without knowing his name, I would have guessed Penikett was white. And even knowing his name, I had no idea what his heritage was without looking it up.
Supernatural 2: Why is it our job to save everybody?
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
One thing I don't get is Ezekiel's concern about Sam rejecting him after the fact. The dealings pretty much every angel we've seen have with their vessels clearly established that they only needed the initial consent to have access. That was even a plot point regarding Sam and Lucifer.
It came up a lot in his BSG and Dollhouse press, so fannish osmosis means that a lot of fannish people are aware of it, even without knowing WHY they're aware of it. (Not all, obviously, but a lot, and I'd expect a BNF into social justice would have known. I mean, he's not just First Nations, he's also the son of the Tony Penikett, activist, former Yukon government leader, and crusader for First Nations rights!)
(Of course, that would be assuming that a probably-US based BNF pays any attention at all to Canadian politics...)
(Which would be foolish.)
(But I'd still expect them to know he's First Nations.)
That's true. I never watched Dollhouse or BSG, though, so I had no clue except that his name seemed like something to explore.
He's gorgeous in any case. I wouldn't mind if Ezekiel stuck around for a bit.
I wasn't exactly sure about the idea of "ejection," either, Matt -- it seems to me like his consent was pretty dubious from the start, since he was saying yes to Dean. And I wasn't sure what was going on when he woke up in the car -- where was Ezekiel then?
I assume we'll find out next week, though.
Ezekiel is tucked away inside Sam where Sam won't notice it. As far as Sam's consent, maybe he can reject him because the consent was dodgy in the first place, Sam's not his real vessel, Sam can freeze an archangel in his tracks? Between those I think they have a shot at "I can't afford to tell Sam either" from his part.
This weekend I will make Sazekiel art. I realised that when I saw Dean/Cas/Ezekiel I was offended on Sam's part and I haven't even explored the ship at all yet!
I think if I were going to rail (this was team-free-will-fanart on tumbr, FTR, so large audience) about race I'd check the "funny" named guy before I turned on the microphone. But female-encased angel helped beat the shit out of Dean, one with more lines than the two generic white male angels the poster is presumably mad about, and HAEL. Also, could she possibly have done enough research to know who's cis without stumbling upon lineage?
It's the oppression cry of too many people, and now I know for sure just to look at the pictures on her tumblr and leave the rest alone.
castasteslike [link] doesn't seem mean to the authors, does it? l was thinking of making an A03 idand commenting on the stories l tag. Likely to be taken badly?
I don't think it's mean at all, and a note to the authors telling them their fic has been noted in a Tumblr would probably be appreciated.
Sazakiel interests me more than it should.
I signed up for an AO3 invite for that tumblr ID. I never quite understood the point of the personas/aliases on AO3--if they can all be traced back transparently, I'm 95% less interested. I wanted to have a central point where I could post my Buffy fic under my real name and the SPN and other comments under my standard fandom fic. Unsurprisingly I want some separation between the two (well, it's a bit odd, maybe, that I do so much with my real name, but that ship is sailed on turbo by now).
Tumblr's multi-blog functionality is almost useless too. I have more tumblrs than I have browsers running for them to be logged into and two of those have sub-tumblrs, so I'm trying! Again, give me a master account and let me spider fully useful instances off it.
Anyway. I think a CasTastesLike user will be simpler than admitting it's serenada.
Last entry was from Dr. Sexy PhD (lots of tasting), which had some interesting parallels--the Winchester family business is academia, and the angel family is the Family, like mob family, from Boston. They whitefaced Raphael, though, and I'd prefer exclusion to that. OTOH, if you can wave away the parentage (or just ignore it), make the black people black! Stop leaving them out of your stories. I hope you're not the same people bitching about the show's diversity (they often don't count the people they purport to want more of, as mentioned above).
The PoV is so scattered, though. I haven't seen a story that's otherwise so well written that has just tossed consistency out the window. I don't think it's as bad as within the paragraph, but it is between some pretty short ones. No...it's within, ans the angle and mood that are regarding various body parts during sex flip back and forward between Dean and Cas as well as 3rd party fandom omniscient (you know, with opinions we all have). Everyone hates themselves appropriately for a SPN rom com, and the sex is explicit.
I read a fic that I thought was supposed to be a HS AU political thriller based on Watergate, but was a giant ball of fluff, that I started skimming the "meet the friends/family/personal drama". I did have to laugh that the big bad was named Nick Richardson, though.
Growing Up With The Country was a decent western AU, however, with some major quibbles regarding Sam (however) --but since that was background to the nth degree, it was easy to forget that it made no sense or else was character assassination: Sam believes Dean was killed by Ruby, yet somehow is still in cahoots with her after, leaving his body to supposedly rot. There was some mumbo jumbo later that might have been about how Ruby roped Sam along by claiming that it would save Dean, but she still *killed* him!
I've decided to stop selectively ignoring John character assassination and just leaving, not trying to scavenge good other moments, and even mentioning "I like your John" when I notice someone can do a complicated John. Even something as simple as "He did get drunk, but he wasn't violent at us. Never that." gives me a sigh of relief. I should have been keeping a better eye out for stories I could rec on the tumblr, dammit.
The one where both teenaged boys agreed he was poison and they had to get him out of their lives by any means necessary? Yeah, back buttoning happened. That's not fixit, thankee.
The idea he was so hateful he'd be drunk with Mary and hit her and they'd split up for an OTT reason like that? Even him cheating with Kate Milligan was better than that.
Making Dean as angry at John as Sam was or as you the author is making him the sort of man who objectively deserves it...that's not characterisation I came for.
::happy sigh::