I have three trenchcoats. But I think it's really hard for a woman to look as frumpy in one as he does in his.
I think Uriel's hair would be something that demands attention, but almost screams how much it's not demanding attention, and I think pristinely maintained braids are more of a...target, I guess, than my hair, but it does depend on which of my hairs you mean--a general low fro, or the 1/2 guard maintained v. short buzz.
The last genderbent Castiel I saw had stiletto heels.
Um, huh? That's sexy genderbent Castiel to you.
I could see genderbent Uriel having her hair buzzed very,
close, a la Alek Wek.
The last genderbent Castiel I saw had stiletto heels.
Huh. I think something akin to loafers would be more fitting.
My hair is about Alex Wek's length, but I think of Uriel as closer to gender norms than that. It's not as outre as the same cut would be on a white or Asian woman, but for me braids are a specific amount of difference--but then again, I might not be being American enough on that one--it might have too much of a baller overlap to be appropriate--and I see Uriel's whole bloodline as being appropriate as hell. So to speak.
I think something akin to loafers would be more fitting.
Yeah, I think of the loafers with a one inch high square heel. Not pretty, just woman office shoes.
In case anyone wants to play--Osric Chau will bring you food if he really likes your Kevin Tran transformative work.
Criteria: Create and be creative about it
Theme: Kevin Tran
Rules: Post your entries or a link to them in the comments section below. Three winners in total, Top two entries with the most likes and an entry voted on by a council of my friends.
Prize: I'll be taking the 3 winners out for food (of the winners' choice) before or after the Supernatural convention in Dallas in mid-late September 2013.
Good luck to all and make things that never could have been without your efforts!
What is not adorable there?
It's on.
I just had a flash of inspiration for a drawing when I read your post, and I think it's just the ticket to ease myself down with after my current deadline is met.
Symbolic image of a drowning Kevin underwater, lit by shining beams of light from above, trying to cut apron strings that are strangling him with a slide rule. Ghosted faces of Dick Roman, Crowley, and the Winchesters in the background, border of stone tablets and Da Vinci's Demons-style geometrical lines.
I like the equation of the Winchesters with the evil in his life.
I've only drawn him once. He doesn't come to mind visually (well, I do have a recurring visual of Meg babysitting him, and subsequent exasperation--I'd say it's a shame we never got to see friction or synergy with him and Garth, except a) I don't like Garth and b) I like Qualls much better on Jefferies show. Still, him and whoever is watching him would be great.) often for me.
I was thinking pressure/responsibility more than evil
per se
, but I think they contribute about as much to his stress as the villains.
They all fucked his life up, no matter how lofty their motives.