I would think by 16 he'd be at least *as* tall as Dean.
What do you mean by Dean having Jensen's hairstyles, though? Jensen has had pretty long hair on occasion, and I can't imagine Dean with anything but the semi-military thing he has going on now.
Did you read the story of how Dean got his knife? If memory serves, that's also how he got his haircut, and maybe some facial bruising in sparring with his father--I have the fanon that he was as pretty as Jensen with the floppy twinky hair that Sam basically kept (but it was never as twinky on him), until there was a come to Jesus (away from the pedos) realisation on John's part that might never have been voiced (but Dean worked out) that put an end to all that.
I did read that story! And I do love it. But I think actual factual canon would be short-haired Dean. At least in my head.
I am clearly putting a lot in between Brock and Ridge (seriously??), and neither were as pretty, but I have a vague hooker storyline that depends on it, so I'mma keep it.
Hey, a Mary and/or Jess nightgown!
I just read a D/C underage brothers incest story. Because I wanted to work out what separated it from a Wincest story, and the answer was pretty much nothing. Nothing explained why they were apparently full blood brothers and Castiel was four years younger than Dean. Nothing in their relationship couldn't have been written into a Wincest story. I don't even recall if there were any physical descriptors that would have to have been changed.
So what's the point? Is there a big need for search and replace Destielcest? If Cas is exactly the same as Sam would have been, why can't you just read Wincest?
There was an aunt Rachel, but that doesn't even make huge sense for D/C, so....
I did a quick skim of the writer's other work, and didn't see any Wincest of any age.
Who's Rachel?
I guess the writer likes the taboo of incest but likes Cas better than Sam? Weird.
Rachel was Castiel's second in command in the fight against Raphael--she showed up once when Dean summoned him.
If the character had been written like Cas, or, hell, looked like Misha or baby Misha, but literally might as well have been anyone.
I've seen people talk about selecting and replacing their desired pairing into a story before, but even most of the bad fic I write wouldn't support that. I have read D/C where adult Cas is taller than adult Dean, and it grates. I don't like light-haired Dean or black-haired Cas or brown-eyed Sam. I also tend to be in it for personalities. And I can't wrap my head around much different.