You're putting a value judgement there, if not for yourself, at least for the people who are reading this and coming to conclusions.
To be clear, I was making a value judgement there entirely on me, and possibly a few other people with whom I have discussed this at great drunken length and come to the same conclusion that we're not working through anything, we just imprinted on Flowers in the Attic.
And for me soap operas watched ill-advisedly with my mother at a tender age. I remember having one of my Barbies being raped by Ken, which I thought was just a really convincing seduction.
Ah, yes! Luke and Laura syndrome.
And, as you said, Flowers in the Attic. At the time, I thought it was ROMANTIC. He couldn't help himself! He loved her so much, and he was so tortured!
V.C. Andrews has a lot to answer for.
Man, the shit we read and watched was bad for us!
Like rape and incest McDonalds.
I don't think I want to know about incest McDonald's ...
I'd actually love to read a fic about books Dean read as an early teen, and Sam, too.
One of the Tumblrs is asking for scariest moment (not episode) of Supernatural, and I always blank at this. I know lots of great tense moments, but I don't know that I'm ever really *scared* watching it.
Meg as Sam in "Born Under a Bad Sign" and that laugh from Castiel at the end of "Meet the New Boss" would both be contenders in my book.
John as YED menacing Dean was some messed up shit. That whole sequence scared me, because I suddenly realised I didn't know how real shit could get.
I was putting together a post of all the SPN drinking GIFs I have, and I realised--not many, proportionally, and I now have not only an urge for a motel decor rewatch (perpetual) but also a booze rewatch.
Maybe this weekend I could rip my DVDs to my new network storage. I wish I didn't suck at animated GIFfing. It's a real art.
(the last one is just because it amuses by implication)