some of us just have our kink buttons wired entirely wrong
You're putting a value judgement there, if not for yourself, at least for the people who are reading this and coming to conclusions.
I don't want there to be a trend of non con because I want there to be a lot out there I can enjoy reading. Most non con is a big old no (many of the things that fall into dub con don't make a story unpalatable for me, but not all) for that.
I tried to read one about hooker Dean who was about to find his own Pretty Woman story with Cas, and I was willing to accept the English was one degree better than Babelfish (I haven't read anything this plainly Romance language in a while), but two savage rapes by Alistair in three chapters of a guy who only just worked out sex can be fun? That's someone else's story.
J2BB has already trended away from me, since J2 and Wincest are dominant. Hunting through gen or het or rarepairs for the good stuff is much harder work than I am usually up to, whereas I can sort D/C with my eyes closed. I was mostly angry about the artist claiming because I thought the process was unfair, not because I thought there was too much chance of me getting one of the three stories that looked interesting.
I still don't get the Sam/Dean AUs where they're not related. For me, that's the core of their characters -- they're brothers. If you're making them unrelated so you can write them fucking without guilt, then go write J2. Sam and Dean aren't Sam and Dean to me unless they're both Winchesters.
Sam and Dean are cousins is mighty perplexing to me. I'm always waiting for a parentage shoe to drop, but shot, nothing more to learn.
In other news, Sara is clamoring to watch the Cooking Fast and Fresh with West videos, and claims we should name our next cat Misha.
There is a guy at my pharmacy whose name is Misha. Seeing him I always smile and giggle on the inside.
She just drew a picture of this hypothetical new cat. Of course, we're also watching S4.01, because I am just that kind of mom.
You're putting a value judgement there, if not for yourself, at least for the people who are reading this and coming to conclusions.
To be clear, I was making a value judgement there entirely on me, and possibly a few other people with whom I have discussed this at great drunken length and come to the same conclusion that we're not working through anything, we just imprinted on Flowers in the Attic.
And for me soap operas watched ill-advisedly with my mother at a tender age. I remember having one of my Barbies being raped by Ken, which I thought was just a really convincing seduction.
Ah, yes! Luke and Laura syndrome.
And, as you said, Flowers in the Attic. At the time, I thought it was ROMANTIC. He couldn't help himself! He loved her so much, and he was so tortured!
V.C. Andrews has a lot to answer for.