Right? RIGHT?
As long as neither Sam nor Dean (nor Cas, actually) is permanently damaged or has his "nature radically changed" (why did you even give me that to worry about?), I'll be happy.
Well, as happy as I can be before hiatus.
I don't predict, but I
Cas to finally make the choice to listen to Dean (he started out that way when he first turned his back on Heaven). Or, maybe not listen, but to say "hey, I'm in this shit position and I don't like it even though the ends seem like the right thing, the means are skeeving me out. What do you think? Help".
If Sam completes the trials, and Hell closes, we lose the demons, but still keep all the other boogeymen, and maybe the amount of ghosts increases if one or both gates get closed, so the future of the show will still have interesting antagonists and victims.
I want Sam to complete the trials and get purified, I want him to be the "demon" that is saved, and have that taint wiped from him forever.
I want Heaven to get it's doors closed, but by Crowley's hand, and for Cas to get cut off from Heaven, and turn human.
But alas, I have absolutely no predictions, other than none of my wants coming true.
On the other hand it would be good story telling for Sam to close the gates of hell, and Cas to close Heaven (which would trap him with all the other angels). I'd miss Cas but...
That would eliminate an awful lot of plot possibilities. Routine salt and burns and the occasional werewolf would get pretty stale if that's all they had to do.
My take on the closing of the gates of eitger Heaven or Hell is that whomever is on Earth-side at the time stays there. So we could still have Crowley and minions, might get Naomi and minions, but all else are out of the picture, and Naomi seems to be be a very top-side angel. But time will tell.
My ultimate read on this is that if Heaven's gates do close, Cas is totally on the non-angelic side when it happens, be that due to his physical position or angelic status or as the weilder of the garage door closer. We'll get to keep Cas, because, ya know, fanpocalypse.
Honestly I think there's more interesting variation in the various kinds of monsters, witches and such than having demons for the umpteenth time. I wouldn't miss them.
If closing the door to Hell leaves you on Earth, why would closing the door to Heaven leave you up there--is the assumption that the nature of the closer has an effect?
Humans can use the Purgatory and Hell tablets for...stuff. But Metatron can't use the Heaven tablet? Why would you make a panic button for Heaven that only angels can push? I mean, God clearly doesn't trust them--hence panic button. The fact that Cas is around and willing is pretty exceptional--and Naomi has effectively been fighting God on that front, but who else would have? For a good reason? Luci would have for a bad one, Gabe would have so he could debauch in peace...
Shit, I need to do work before I finish reading this Infinite Playlist fusion. It's a cascade of cockblocks, and I can use this time more productively.
Did they say only angels can push the button? I thought M picked Cas cause he was the most badass person he knew with low sales resistance...
And yeah, I wouuld not miss angels and demons plotwise. You would still ghosts and gods and monsters, witches and necromancers and other magic users, anthropomorphic personifications like death. You would still have muses, fates, amazons, faerie, zombies , titans (not all titans were good guys) plus probably other things I've forgotten or that have not yet been introduced..
Did they say only angels can push the button?
Metatron said that he wasn't badass enough to push the button. Given that he's still immortal and can do at least some angelly stuff I wonder why that would be true, given that your average human is wandering in with less power.
My only prediction: the cliffhanger is going to KILL the audience and lead to MASSIVE fanfiction output this summer.