Did they say only angels can push the button?
Metatron said that he wasn't badass enough to push the button. Given that he's still immortal and can do at least some angelly stuff I wonder why that would be true, given that your average human is wandering in with less power.
My only prediction: the cliffhanger is going to KILL the audience and lead to MASSIVE fanfiction output this summer.
I just finished this before the finale: [link]
I have no idea why I decided to
that today, but I figured I'd draw them all before anyone dies or becomes a toad.
::wild applause::
I'm so nervous. I haven't been, the past few years! And now I'm afraid there will be toads, too.
Castiel Novak rolled his ocean blue eyes. He was sweating like a pig being led to a slaughterhouse for execution underneath his work uniform which consisted of a typical Men in Black suit. Dark Ray Ban aviator glasses covered his beautiful baby blues and they were a gift from Heaven, because they blocked anyone from witnessing every time he rolled his eyes at good old George W’s plethora of faux pas.
Before the finale, I decided to treat y'all with this gem of a fic. Great AU premise, but every paragraph is just like this, telling you about the color of whomever's eyes, and just how much Cas is sweating, and why, and how it impacts his wardrobe and social life, and just how great his sunglasses are.
Is that the Castiel-fucked-up-in-the-FBI fic?
I can't even remember now which one I was really liking -- maybe it was the animal-soul-shifters and Winchester wolf and Lilith's Tear story? Where the author leaves out a negative and uses hyperthermia where she really seems to mean hypothermia--or I misunderstand the entire exchange...too confusing.
Yup! It's truly horrific. I am tempted to leave shaming criticism so as they don't write anymore, it's that bad. There hasn't even been posted a chapter where Dean and Cas are in the same scene, and it's this bad? Needs a public mocking and a discontinuation of reading.
Damn. I need a teaser.
Imdb already has guest cast listed for 9.1 .
Yeah, Stephen was like, "Wait, aren't you going to watch ...?" And I said, "What? Scenes for next season?"
Jared blew me away tonight. Mark Sheppard, too. Actually, everyone! And that final scene between Dean and Sam was so emotional!
I love the idea of all the fallen angels. And I think having Crowley be *almost* cured but not quite, not 100%, is going to present some really interesting possibilities. Plus, Abbadon is clearly still lurking around, so you know she'll be running of Queen of Hell, which I love.
WINCHESTERS. I love you so.