I'm kind of horrified by the thought of getting handsy with a celebrity at some meet n' greet type setup. But contrarily I've been groped by strangers at cons and wasn't bothered by it at all, so I hope at least some of the actors on the receiving end don't actually mind.
I guess New Jersey must be a haven for SPN fans who are outraged by slash, because I don't recall anywhere near this level of homophobia/biphobia in fannish spaces before. Conflicts between Dean/Sam and Dean/Cas shippers, sure, and lots of hostility directed toward the actors' wives and any women on the show that might be a romantic prospect for either character, but this is a new one on me.
I'm kind of horrified by the thought of getting handsy with a celebrity at some meet n' greet type setup.
Horrified. I couldn't be a celebrity because I like my personal space too much. I'm not quite Ashley Judd in this regard, but close.
I wasn't at a meet and greet, for clarity. Just a party, and I was in an inciting mood. Since I had to scrape Jermaine Dupree off my shoes later in the evening, what goes around came around.
We're in the home stretch now, brethren and sistren. I bid thee adieu forthwith.
Damn the Iowa weather, my reception is breaking. Not quite as bad as during Arrow, but frustrating!
The show is veering dangerously close to giving me darkness-induced apathy.
I'm going to have to watch it online. I just missed too much to be sure I know what was going on.
You had to know that any Sarah reunion would end badly.
But when-how did Crowley get the spell bag in the phone?
I was utterly charmed by Cas' "Dean's favorites" shopping spree. And the pie threats.