God, it was so not a "Dean likes dick" thing. It was the same thing that happened with Gary!Sam later on -- he was enjoying spending time with a Sam who was a little more relaxed, a little less stressed, a lot less serious. The siren was just a stand-in in that episode. Have these people never heard of projection?
I just saw that about the stalking tonight. It makes me so angry -- Danneel's due date is soon, I think, and that's not at all a time when you want to feel like some crazy chick is lurking around every corner.
I wonder if the stalkers go for Jensen because he's less accessible than Jared? I mean, neither one of them are *accessible* but Jared has always shared personal details more easily than Jensen does, anyway.
See, I think you can argue it as a gay thing, but "that's not a perfect Sam because he does something Dean loves that real Sam wouldn't" is arguing the opposite from its supposed intention. Since it appeared as a sexual partner to everyone else, there's some traction there. It's not the biggest and best piece in the bi-Dean arsenal, but I'd leave it on the list.
I should have said, the siren ep doesn't mean at all that he *doesn't* like boys, but in that particular case (at least in the time frame of episode), it was purely fantasy fraternal for Dean (I think).
If Dean had stayed with the siren for any length of time, there would have been sex, is my bet.
God damn, Petite Madame! How so constantly creative: [link] ? She, hands down, has the most diverse ideas I've seen in a fan artist in any fandom yet. Is it fair that someone with so talented a brush has all those, or is it justice?
Either way...
She doesn't write fics per se--are there any SPN fan artists out there that do?
are there any SPN fan artists out there that do?
Ones who write and illustrate their own fic, or ones who sometimes write fic and sometimes post art?
Active in both art and writing in whatever way.
I don't know if the events in this fanart [link] are speculation or spoiler, though it has been reported that the main character will be back before season's out.
THAT EVENT. I would love it.
I would love it.
As would I.
I do SPN fanart now, but I ceased working on fic (for the fandom, not completely) when I started working on the art. It wasn't an intentional cessation - it just sort of worked out that way.
It's much easier to ingest a wide range of fan art than fic, even though I slog through some awful writing and zoom past the art I don't like. I've seen a couple people illustrate their own stories, but I just can't remember having bumped into pictures from someone currently arting and stories from them currently writing.
Does the inspiration pull you in different directions? Do you feel like an idea is better shared visually? Or are you just getting more pictures in your head than detailed scenarios?
Hell, how
you inspired? What was the last picture you published (link, pls!) and why did you do it? Are you working on anything now?
eta: unrelatedly, I'm still unable to avoid reposting SPN entries on my dash with the effective comment of "your idea is really emo and sweet, but if you'd been paying attention to the canon as opposed to just that one picture/five minutes/episode you'd see a different pattern." But I'm pretty sure more people will be all over the feels they get from Dean sleeping clothed because of Mary, as opposed to remembering that he slept under the covers in underwear from season one through three.
Perhaps the greatest indignity escalating threat levels have inflicted on us - Dean feeling the need to wear jeans to bed!