So far this author hates:
- John
- Missouri
- Samuel
- Deanna
- Christian
- Gwen
- Mark
- Garth
- Kate (if she's talking to John)
Also, there's British slang in the dialogue (AGAIN--is SPN the Plymouth Rock of another wave of colonisation?) and there's giddy Gabriel/Anna, but at least this time Dean's not the only illegible texter--Cas (an escort) and Anna (same, dating Gabriel, another escort) also use really childlike spelling.
And dig these gyrations--it's The Wedding Date, D/C. Dean is trying to prove to homophobic family he's gay (he is), so he hires Cas for a no sex date to Sam's wedding. Early on, they order pizza, which is delivered by Adam (I guess they're hinting at the affair), and at the bachelor party, Cas (who is all suave and A PROFESSIONAL SEX WORKER) sees Adam ping Chastity to the wall and sample her tonsils, so when he succumbs to Dean (he of the beautiful soul) and Dean asks where that kiss came from, Cas says he "learnt it from the pizza man."
It's a gloriously klunky wild goose chase, because all of those things need to be stuck together just to get one line from the script, but I'm sure since she's "fixed" the kiss, it was worth it.
Still, it brings out the worst in me as a reader--it's too long to be a "social experiment" (like the one where Cas felt arousal in his kneecaps--I firmly believe that's someone's psych homework), so I'm just punching myself in the head with how awkward and intermittently hateful a story this is.
How do you hate Missouri?!
She was mean to Dean?
No, I've actually read that. The spoon thing, and the goofy looking kid thing. The story has her lurching around pushing unpleasant fortune telling on people at the rehearsal dinner.
How do you hate Missouri?!
Oh, I read the hatred. She was mean to Dean, you know.
It's weird, but sometimes I think Wincest writers are more in tune with actual canon. Except for, you know.
I can't say I see that any demographic has the lock on not crazy other than the not crazy people. But the general dislike of Missouri isn't a D/C thing. I got those details from the anon meme and tumblr, in much less partisan areas than me plowing through all the worst D/C fics.
Every demographic has its crazy, sure, but I've read a lot more out of character D/C than Wincest. Taking into account, of course, that many people find Sam/Dean completely out of character.
Crap, crap, crap. My brain decided today was Wednesday. For the last 3 hours, I've stayed out of this thread and looked forward to 9pm...and now I feel like a total dork. And I'm pissed that there is no SHOW, even though it is only Tuesday. Stupid brain.
I've read a lot more out of character D/C than Wincest. Taking into account, of course, that many people find Sam/Dean completely out of character.
I think that's a hard thing to take out of account. But I definitely don't know how the other people are in Wincest--are you taking out all the incest-related OOCness, like Bobby being mad John doesn't accept them?
Is there a typical configuration? Like how the cheap and easy build your own kit (which I was figuring was a SPN thing, not a pairing thing--I've seen gen that does, and gen that doesn't, but that's as far as I wander, now that I feel like I've played Sam/Jess out) goes a little something like:
- Dean is closest to canon--he's defensive, bristly, secretly a sweetheart with compassion caused by his awful childhod. And he doesn't think he deserves to be saved, and there's nothing he wouldn't do for Sam. He thinks Castiel is a wacky name and is startled by how quickly he finds himself shortening it.
- Sam is...well, if he's not dating Gabriel, he's okay. Probably takes more of an interest in Dean's love life than we've seen, but we haven't had much occasion. Usually very supportive, clued in long before Dean, unless it's the 180 and they've been carrying on behind his back. "Finally!" is usually his reaction to the ship. Randomly clumsy, and not good with girls.
- Cas is fucked up as all shit. Lots of different kids of fuckery, but if it's alpha-beta-omega he's usually the omega. About half the time he's feminised either heteronormatively or with supernatural biology or both. Very few writers seem to care about the epic entrance and demands for respect (though not gratitude). He's "the smaller man" as if the difference between six foot and six one means that one of them is tiptoeing all the time, or the other is resting his chin on his boyfriend's head. His hips are the most likely to sway.
- John is fall down drunk, violently physically abusive, and generally neglects them financially and emotionally. Most likely to be homophobic.
- Bobby is perfect. His biggest hangup is being too shy to ask Ellen out.
- Ellen is also perfect. She doesn't seem to have any hangups or anything, but she also rarely has an arc that doesn't involve hooking up with Bobby or relaxing about Jo.
- Jo's a gum-snapping tomboy who shares a typically male past time with Dean. She is in Dean's year in school. She's bawdy, "quirkily" naggy, and rarely has anything of her own going on, unless she's dating Ash.
- Ash is a pale shadow of the gentleman we knew.
- Adam is a cutie patootie little brother to everyone.
- Jess is perfect, but sometimes oddly short and demure. Thereby missing most of the points available.
- Mary is perfect, whether or not she's alive. She bakes all the things, and realises that Dean and Cas are in love maybe even sooner than Sam does.
- Gabriel lacks a cruel streak. More and more I'm seeing him as the youngest Milton/Novak/Godson kid. He's just flirty and winky and eating lollipops and surprisingly sincere around Sam.
- Anna is whoever they need.
- Lisa is a space filler, or a rapist/social climber/Mean Girl epitome. Every now and again she's the front line of realising D/C, and breaks up with Dean for their own good. Not as often as she shrieks at him that his life is ruined~!! or lying about Ben's father, tho.
- Jody is like Ellen, but doesn't cook/bake. Rarely a badass in her own right.
- Balthazar varies, but he's generally a good guy, even if he's not the right boyfriend for Cas.
- Crowley is either a moustache twirling evil mastermind (aka canonical) or oddly neutered (I have been mostly enjoying a fic with Anna/Crowley and there is
reason for it to be Crowley, since he's also Dean's good friend and roommate)
- Benny serves to make Cas jealous, if he turns up.
- Michael is imperious, and maybe 1/4 of the time actually cares for Castiel.
- Lu(ke/c/cifer) is Michael's twin, and is either evil or family-oriented in the same 3:1 breakdown
- and then the ranks are filled out with, somehow, Azazel, Roy, Walt, Alastair who are mostly (continued...)
( continues...) just uninteresting implementations
That's crap fics. When it comes to meta character discussions or gifsets or other ways to get opinions without narrative, I have determined no patterning that seems to follow OTPs.
ita ! Opine much?
Annalee's writing this week's recap, but she said she'll leave the rest for me.