I thought an image search would pull up the original GIF, but I guess no one capped just that. Usually it's pretty useful for finding the unmanipped version when the changes were small.
Dean in a robe with a sword can come visit me whenever he needs a break.
Undies optional.
The fixit fic I abandoned also had Dean giving Cas a beatdown that mirrored 5x18, and Dean drinking beer from a glass
while fixing a car.
I'm trying to think of if I've ever seen Dean pour his own beer (he's had glasses of hard liquor, and glasses of beer in establishment) and now I can't even recall him buying cans that often.
eta, did you guys see this manip? It's not as morphy a combo as I've seen before, but it's like a rubiks cube, or maybe one of those books where the pages are three panels you can turn separately? It's mostly faces and hairstyles and lines, but...yikes! Jared needs to keep his eyebrows on his face. I'm sure he'd look fine with shorter hair, but I don't think the hairlines are good looks for him
Someone mentioned that Jared with Jensen hair looked better than vice versa, but that's gotta hurt Jensen's feelings, what with, you now, things (there were worse ones, but I think this addresses the point raised, and well--still cute, Hell Misha broke out with even more Sammylike hair in 24.
The gif with the placard, ita, is from a promo for the Australian channel that runs the series. It's from before the first AHBL con, so several years old, and there were others made the same time with a bunch of flowers, and other props. And yeah, that sign has pretty much expressed any sentiment anybody's had for any of the regulars.
It's going to take a lot to bump West off of my "cutest celeb baby" pedestal, but this is a worthy competitor.
Is that Padababy?
did you guys see this manip?
I think the row where they all have Jensen's hair is the only one where they all look okay. The hair's startling on Jared (or the lack of it, I guess) but after a second he just looks really young to me.
The ones with Misha's hair are freaky.
Yup, that's the little Thomas Colton. Tumblr informs me that it's his twitter pic now.
eta: I love that the Jensen with Sam's hair is just Jensen ten years ago with less highlighting.
Rewatching makes season 8 more surreal. I mean, I'd read the posts that discussed the re-use of actors, but right now, seeing Samandriel again, except he's getting yelled at for letting his spider roam through a barbeque...did they really run out of actors? Seems unlikely, considering how many members of the late 80s, early 90s Vancouver TheatreSports I haven't seen yet.
I'm kind of hoping that recycling actors has a point, because otherwise it's been a weird distraction. Then again, yay for people we like getting work.
Great article with the current writers. Not at all spoilery. Don't miss the last line, either.
Of which there is no indication...
I wonder if Misha peeked at the Teen Wolf fandom and decided he wasn't doing enough work frothing the fangirls into a lather. But he did just sic his minions on a ship poll, which...that never ends well.
But at least I've worked out who cadly mack is. She works for Zap2It. That was annoying me.
I bet they have a lot of fun in that room. And I don't mean porn.
I would punch people in the throat for an opportunity to overhear those writer shenanigans.
I keep trying to convince Colin to get his ass up there, but he says they don't need any more pretty. To which I replied a) no such thing as too much and b) don't flatter yourself.
Anyway--still on the tip of Garth, and how we almost didn't get to see him (he was killed ofscreen before he even appeared, and Sera said NOOOOOOOOOOOO) from the writing point of view: [link] and from qualls: [link]
Called my mgr and asked if these guys were models who chase monsters. And if so, what so they want w/me?
I wanted to quit the show for a minute. I talked to @jarpad about it and he was like Welcome to #spn. We all get both extremes