I'm trying to work out how to say this not particularly plot-informative thing without breaking the rules but bringing it to the attention of the people who might care.
So...I will cast a wide net. if you like animals, maybe you haven't set seen the offscreen shot of Jensen and Jared in
a stable, with horses
here: [link]
I just saw this gifset, which kind of encapsulates why I think feeling the story out as you go along (rather than trying to place all the big pieces ahead of time) can work out very elegantly: [link] There's no way that they knew what the fifth season finale would hinge on when they wrote the third episode, but they ended up with a really charming serendipitous small throughline.
Has anyone seen it official official anywhere else?
How official does it need to be? I mean, Colin already knew (he's so badly trained when it comes to telling me shit, and I am too nice to badger) when I asked him about Cas in S9.
Is a Press Release official enough?
Ok, gotcha.
Sorry, I misread earlier posts as being still in the rumored realm.
I think I'm going to rewatch the last episode.
Is Season 10 a possibility?
And all I can think is, "Look how short Sam's hair is!"
What was unnecessarily complex about last year?
Focus on Sam's hair!
I don't think it was unnecessarily complicated -- it was actually pretty simple. Cas let the Leviathans out, and they tried to take over the world. Then they killed Bobby and Sam and Dean were even more determined to get them. Which they did.
Whenever someone says something like that, I always think they're just vaguing up the fact that they didn't like it.
What was unnecessarily complex about last year?
I found this from an interview with Jeremy Carver:
One of the things that struck me, and I think it’s almost inevitable when you’re doing a genre show, is sometimes a show gets buried under the weight of its own mythology. And particularly with the brothers, if you zero in on someone like Sam, that guy has so much stuff — the wall’s up, the wall’s down. It gets a little confusing, even to me as I was catching up, exactly what is happening. So I think one of the things I thought was maybe we can pull back on the mythology and instead start a new myth story this year. Obviously we’re not disregarding anything from the past, but at least from the get-go, we’re starting everyone off on a new ride that hopefully lasts two, three, whatever many seasons.
So the tablets, Men of Letters, Thule, Judah Initiative is somehow simpler than what we had last year?
I agree with Amy--like or dislike seems more than quantifiably confusing. Sam was on a decline, Cas steps in and grabs the crazy ball, and finally shucks it (B plot) while the A plot is chasing the a big bad and doing some not very confusing at all research, since they had no information for the longest time.
I don't think either of them are hard to follow.