So the tablets, Men of Letters, Thule, Judah Initiative is somehow simpler than what we had last year?
I agree with Amy--like or dislike seems more than quantifiably confusing. Sam was on a decline, Cas steps in and grabs the crazy ball, and finally shucks it (B plot) while the A plot is chasing the a big bad and doing some not very confusing at all research, since they had no information for the longest time.
I don't think either of them are hard to follow.
Men of Letters, Thule, Judah Initiative
Those alone were confusing (to me) in the last episode. That's a lot of secret societies in one plot.
If anything, this season is more complex, although I don't think that's a bad thing, since it's all been woven together really well (for me, anyway). We've already had Dean adjusting post-purgatory, Sam's romantic angst, a new character in Benny, Cas's return, the possibility of closing the gates of hell, and Sam and Dean's reconciliation. And we're not only halfway through.
So the tablets, Men of Letters, Thule, Judah Initiative is somehow simpler than what we had last year?
No, I think it's just the new guy coming in and shifting things around to suit his purposes. And chucking away all the baggage he doesn't want to deal with any more.
I do think there were too many irons in the fire in Season 6, hence the sudden dropping of some plots like the Campbell family and the heavenly weapons. But I didn't think Season 7 was overly complex, I just didn't like how they were handling some of the storylines. Which is not a situation unique to Season 7.
glares in Amelia's direction and makes sign to ward off painfully boring subplots...
Yeah--I didn't think 6 was complicated, so much as incomplete. They could have fit stuff in, I feel, and it's irritating that Sera never gave Sampa any dimension. In the end, when he was killed, it felt really good, but unconflicted all the way through. Since I liked him the first time around, I wanted to be conflicted.
Weapons they totally could have wrapped up in 10 minutes and pointed to Cas' ultimate plan. That's even more frustrating. The Campbells would have taken more time and care, because there were people and motivations and explanations that had to be covered (Where did Crowley get Samuel from? Where was he going to get Mary from? Why did Samuel lose his fucking MIND? Why did the extended Campbells think this was fine?)
Maybe if they'd tried, I could have complained 6 was too complicated, but 7 wasn't in any way, and I don't feel anything was dropped.
And Naomi, multiple tablets, and three secret societies really feels like Carver saying "This is now my house. I get a legacy too." Which is fine, but don't call it simple.
Great. Now I'm convinced I either have to do two pictures tomorrow, or post early, and something cute, because Valentine's day.
Quick bets--does Dean go trawling for unattached drifters this year? Does he ask his brother to be his Valentine (WINCEST IS CANON, GUIZE!!!!)?
Where did Crowley get Samuel from? Where was he going to get Mary from? Why did Samuel lose his fucking MIND? Why did the extended Campbells think this was fine?
This is still my biggest peeve with the show. Resurrecting Samuel with the promise he could see his *daughter* again, rather than his wife, whom we would assume was the love of his life, is just weird to me.
My 2013 calendar came today! Thank you guys so much for helping me not pay hundreds of dollars (seriously--why are people such assholes? why even go there?) or more realistically--doing without.
Year 3, and I still haven't flipped ahead. January was a nice picture, and I'll have to see if I have it in my collection anywhere--Sam and Dean looking out of frame to our left--I think they're in a diner? I only glanced quickly before hanging it.
Coincidentally or not, the same photo in use here is February. I love a lot of Dean pictures, but this one is in the top fifty. Yet? Not on provocateuse. I should fix that soon.
I think those are from last year, judging by Friday, but here are Sam (generically short-shrifted, poor noodle) and Cas (not actually flattering in context, so much).
I loved that too, quester.
I'm kind of surprised Dean didn't have what amounted to his own room that he could add personal touches to at Bobby's place.