Do any of them have them in stock? All the places I hit were out (including every single Amazon-listed distributor, and I don't even shop through them).
I'd be more than grateful if you found somewhere that had them, and not had them had them like Deep Discount, who doesn't seem to update their e-commerce inventory in a timely fashion, nor send out "I'm really sorry for the wait" emails.
This time last year it was Creation not sending my my calendar, but at least they had stock. This year they don't either.
The first listing on this page says it's in stock: [link]
I assume it's in stock here, and it's only $13.99: [link]
I saw some on Amazon for #24.95, from third party sellers.
That's my problem. It's not $25 worth of calendar to me. Party on to the people who'd pay $150.
I assume it's in stock here, and it's only $13.99
No, it's not. If you go one click further it tells you it isn't for sale anymore.
But thanks!
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't click that far.
There are a couple fan-made ones on CafePress -- not photos, but one with quotes, one with sort of tattoo designs, but neither of them is exactly right (for me). I'd love to see a really cool one with stock photos for atmosphere and good quotes.
But I know you want the pretty. I feel so bad -- it was right in the mall here before Christmas. I should have grabbed it for you. Next year!
What about TV Merch? It's $19.95, but I don't know how much the shipping/handling would be.
That slides in under the wire. I wonder if there's any way I can tell the auctioneer why they lost.
Thanks! I am enabled.
Samantha Smith is in a Kia commercial that was just on during the Superbowl. I hope the viewing audience takes note of how awesome Mary Winchester 1.0 is.
I am backing out of a weird conversation with someone who's really interrogating the text differently from me. I understand the POV that Sam isn't down with the whole lifestyle (although I think he's making peace with it as a responsibility), but this season, Dean has been excited by it. So why would they quit because their grandfather thinks it's a crap job?
He also says they have a net negative impact on the world's safety, so they should stop hunting. Haven't we been told that destiny would accept substitutions? That it could have been Jake instead of Sam (for at least some shenanigans--not sure how far that would go), and John instead of Dean cracking the first seal?
Destiny didn't say they'd save the world. It only said the world would need saving.
I kind of want to know why he's been watching this long if he sees them as a bad thing from even before S4--and in a way that means they should stop, not in the sense of a bad thing you can't stop poking at.
If ... they stop hunting, there is no show. And how on earth are they having a net negative impact when, just for one example, they stopped Lucifer from destroying the world?