Things I want to scream at tumblrs I had wanted to follow:
- Ask *Misha*, father of two young children, if he wants to be a regular. And ask him in private, not an interview or in front of an audience at a con. Why would I petition his employers to work him harder if I have no idea what he wants to do? He really did intend to quit the first time.
- Of fucking COURSE Cas will be back before the end of the season (as will Benny--Amelia, whatevs). Stop acting like 6 or whatever Cas-free episodes is the end of the world or the show is unbearable. I know you feel that the show is more than Sam and Dean, but Cas isn't the only other answer, and HE HAS NOT BEEN WRITTEN OUT. Also, I don't need Dean and Sam to talk about their offscreen BFF in Cas-free episodes either, honestly. Just, relax.
Man, I'm a sap. I cried.
But seriously: the Winchesters are wizards???
But seriously: the Winchesters are wizards???
There were bits that I outright enjoyed (anticipating the reaction to damage to the Impala, for example), but on the whole I think at the moment I'm still at the "hmmmmmmm...." stage and I need to mull all the implications over.
Henry - went to Hogwarts. . .
I should have just stayed at work later and made more headway on all the drawing I'm going to have to do tomorrow.
I don't think they're wizards any more than Sam or Dean are when they perform a spell. He, and the other Men of Letters, were simply trained to use all the magic extant in the world.
I think it makes a lot of sense when you add Cupid's part to it. And the whole thing struck me as very bittersweet.
And oh, the whole Campbell/Winchester; Brains/Brawn; Sam/Dean thing.
I'll take brawn anytime. I have friends to talk to.
Exactly, Vortex. I loved seeing where Sam might have gotten his intellectual curiosity from. As well as the Major Puppy eyes of Compassion and Understanding.
Growly, cranky Dean is one of my favorites, though. I also loved him checking out the girl in the comic store, although I would have been awesome if when Adabon looked through her eyes, there was a nice shot of Dean's ass or something.
I would have been awesome if when Adabon looked through her eyes, there was a nice shot of Dean's ass or something.
That would only have been in the spirit of true realism.
That's code for not liking it, Matt?
I was sceptical from the trailer when I thought the Winchesters were hunters too. That was...too too. There wasn't really anything else they could be without having powers (which I think it's important they do not) that keepers of the lore. And John was obviously his own brand of scholar of the dark things, as well as an analyst that impressed Ash.
It's clearly a retcon, but not a particularly bendy one.
Basically, this episode was a love letter to John, and I am all over that shit.
Lots of random scattered thoughts--it was a very emotional episode from the start of those previouslies, man--damn. That was a hell of a road so far--saving people, hunting things? Old and comfortable.
I did like it quite a lot, but motherfuckers--Castiel does not come up? And whose angel feathers do you have in your asstrunk, Dean? A counted number of them? I felt like the previously pulled up a lot of memories, but all they said in their defence was calling out one apocalypse? Lucifer comes up, you...okay, maybe you don't want to mention that Heaven and Hell alike wanted those kids born so they could play out their family drama holding the earth hostage.
But the biggest baddest non-Lucy demon shows up, and no Castiel mention at all? Would trying and failing to get him have been too much? I'm not being all "But they're best friends!" shippery about this--it's just that they're doing JudeoChristian just seems like you have to explain why he's not part of the episode--the plot perfectly excuses him from appearing, so that wouldn't be awkward.
Random jumbled thoughts. I did run out and grab, which will now sit and gather dust for eternity. I just liked how it sounded...