People's Choice Award categories are getting to be as nuts as MTV Movie Award categories.
I mean, YAY, SPN won best fans of a Sci/Fi show (or something like that) but come on...really? It was nice seeing Sandra Bullock be recognized for her Humanitarian work after Katrina, but is that like a "life time achievement award" or was there no more recent example of celebrity humanitarianism.
Maroon 5 is my sister's favourite band, so I had to send her caps of her boys next to our (big) boys. I am disproportionately amused by the juxtaposition.
Because I have not only heard of all those bands, I've liked them, and own albums. Which means they've been out there for at least a decade.
I had this thought as well. I didn't think I knew currently popular bands. Except, apparently, I do?
Barely related to Supernatural, but I saw a post come across my dash saying that Dean's enjoyment of wearing women's undies wasn't about him being gay, it was about his gender identity. Like, it was a didactic, tut tutting post.
Uh, why is that about his gender identity? We have no evidence that he isn't entirely cis. How does wearing silky panties give any weight to that, even if you ignore the years we've spent inside his head?
I don't get it. Wearing women's underwear means his gender identity is ... what?
Why can't anyone just have a thing they like to do once in a while?
Yeah, I don't see why it's relevant. Transvestite and transsexual are different things. Although, technically, a man wearing women's underwear is crossdressing, crossdressing isn't saying anything about not being cis.
And so says my tie (it's weird--me and the guy who left me a picture of Ruby's knife, and
a picture of my Abed and Troy mug has now shown up wearing a similar tie to mine two formal days out of three, and on the third day, he was actually wearing my tie--does TV fandom dictate your formal dress taste? I sense a paper...).
But the post read like a social justice rap on the knuckles.
I hope that website keeps track of people that back out of the page and don't wait through
seconds of ads. Cuz I'm not gonna do it, despite how much I love the Ackles. Crazytalk. If it's over 15 seconds, I want an up front option to skip.
Dean Winchester doesn't cry, he never does. but when things come to a head when visiting the Singer Salvage yard
If you can't be bothered to watch the show, why should I be bothered to read your fic? I don't think Dean even thinks Dean doesn't cry. I don't know whose PoV that summary could be from.