I don't know which way Dean was leaning for the winning, but I think that he knew that he wouldn't be happy either way, so the best way to handle it was to make sure that they didn't meet.
Changing the number in Sam's phone was messed up, but necessary. He also didn't need to answer it. He knew it was Sam, and he could have just let it go to VM or turned the phone off. He wanted Sam to know what he'd done.
Also, I'm sure that the slashers were enjoying that Dean characterized his interaction with Benny as a "relationship". While technically, being brothers is a relationship, that's not what comes to mind for most folks.
Speaking of deathmatches (oh, was that a different thread?) we do know which quotes we prefer (up to the end of S5, if memory serves), but do we know which episodes?
I thought we did that. Or themed episodes, maybe? Like favorite funny, favorite angsty? I can't actually remember, though.
If we did, I didn't score it--I only remember the quote deathmatch.
But I think we should pick a single episode per season, period. You get to decide whether it's humour or pathos or victory or depression that gets you the most.
I'd be curious however that voting was set up.
Clarify: best episode of the season, or favorite?
And you know I'll play. I'm already trying to pick.
Holy shit, this is hard. And I'm trying to pick best AND favorite.
I was about to say--why pick either best or favourite? Pick a best, and pick a favourite.
Okay, but I'm going to pick my favorites without the U.
::runs away::
I refuse to do it without U.
Okay, I'm done. I'm pretty sure all these (well, a lot of them) could change with the day or my mood or the angle of the sun.
S1: Best, Hell House; Favorite, Pilot
S2: Best, What Is and What Should Never Be; Favorite, Tall Tales
S3: Best, Mystery Spot; Favorite, A Very Supernatural Christmas
S4: Best, It's a Terrible Life; Favorite, Monster Movie
S5: Best, Changing Channels; Favorite, The End
S6: Best, The French Mistake; Favorite, Frontierland
S7: Best, Death's Door; Favorite, Time After Time
That was hard.