I'm not talking about hot. I'm talking about pretty. And no matter how cool or fuckable Mrs Tran is, I don't think "pretty" is a good adjective for her.
Current Meg I think is as plain as TV rules go. Her character's great, I like her a lot, she's probably a riot in the sack, but I do think Amelia's features are prettier. Both Ruby's are very pretty, but I think Meg is more popular than they were, based on reading random other anonymous people.
But I don't look at character's personalities making up for their lack of looks, it's probably the other way around, if possible (still haven't come round on an Ian Somerhalder character yet, although I dig he's pretty as fuck).
So our twains may never meet.
Speaking of meet--I am astonished at how tone deaf
of Amelia has been so far. Their meet cute wasn't cute--I found her pushy and demanding (and that's aside from "that's now how you find a dog's home" issues--those never occur to me--I just thought she was giving him shit for no clear reason), and I never got from her what Sam was supposed to like, other than she had sex with him. I got Jess and Sarah and Madison and Cara and Ruby--I don't actually have to like his partner. But I want to understand it, and from the meet awkward through the vaselined lens...0 idea.
All I can think is she managed to sort of knock him out of his Dean's disappearance-caused tailspin briefly through sheer unexpected hostility and bitchiness (kind of like squrting a cat with water to make it stop a certain behavior), and then he ran into her again soon enough that she became someone familiar to latch onto before he had the chance to meet anyone actually appealing.
Matt makes the most sense I've heard about Amelia, actually. She shall be henceforth known (to me) as Squirt.
I'm not talking about hot. I'm talking about pretty. And no matter how cool or fuckable Mrs Tran is, I don't think "pretty" is a good adjective for her.
Pretty, no. But I'd call her beautiful.
I think Rachel Miner either looks astonishing or she looks meh, but her good angles are very good. Her bad angles are... [link]
Pretty was the adjective Julie used, not beautiful, so it was what I was responding to.
I think Miner is quite plain, but that picture you don't like is prettier than normal. Shit weird like that.
I think that was played sufficiently down the middle that I don't feel I can tell what the text intended.
I really can't either. I could pretend I was still in Debate and argue either side. I'd even probably convince myself momentarily.
I do not like the execution of Amelia (although I hope that isn't literal)
I'd halfway go for that. I mean, it'd be nice if Sam didn't still have the Penis of Death. But I have no real investment in their relationship.
Sadly, my favorite thing about Amelia currently is that her hair isn't tv perfect. Or even tv good. She's not unattractive but Sam had a better blow out.
I think that was played sufficiently down the middle that I don't feel I can tell what the text intended.
Regardless of who lost the theoretical fight, Dean wouldn't have been happy with the result.
Spn fan-yarn: Gnome Acres laceweight in the Dean Winchester colorway.
Laceweight. . . hmmmmmm. . .
A few people seem to be archiving to AO3. It's the main way I read fic these days (I haven't been to LJ in forever), and Rockstarpeach is posting Shooting You Straight. I've read that at least three times (more if you count the re-reads I did while it was a WIP), and I'm suckered right back in. It's one of the better paced serial works I've read--she doles out the porn and the emotional satisfaction like a master in this one. I think it's my favourite of hers, but I'm willing to go through her whole D/C archive to be sure.
I don't know which way Dean was leaning for the winning, but I think that he knew that he wouldn't be happy either way, so the best way to handle it was to make sure that they didn't meet.
Changing the number in Sam's phone was messed up, but necessary. He also didn't need to answer it. He knew it was Sam, and he could have just let it go to VM or turned the phone off. He wanted Sam to know what he'd done.
Also, I'm sure that the slashers were enjoying that Dean characterized his interaction with Benny as a "relationship". While technically, being brothers is a relationship, that's not what comes to mind for most folks.