You know one thing that was cool in this ending. It caught something of the essence of most horror. Most horror is a story about choosing between evils after you've blown all the choices that could have given you good options. You could have had waited until the rain ended to take that country road, stayed out of that haunted house, not picked up that hitchiker - whatever. Or maybe it was someone else who could have made a better choice - not pledged you as a sacrifice, not opened the gateway that lets in demons. But whoever's fault it is the chance for good choices has passed. And now all that is left is choosing between evils. That is where Sam and Dean are (and where they often are): out of good choices and needing to pick between evils.
Oh minor point: there is another way the pledge could mean something different than the Angels think it means. Dean swore to serve God and his Angels. And someone pointed out upthread that if God has left the building, the pledge is invalid. But if God has NOT left the building, then if the will of the Angels conflicts with the will of God, God takes precedence over the Angels. So Dean can kick Angel ass and still keep his promise so long as he is serving God.
That was a shoutout? To our TopicCindy? Kewl.
Austin asked me to report that she changed computers and doesn't have her password on the one she's using. She's waiting on a stompy to reset her password, meantime she's locked out from posting. But she says thanks for the birthday wishes, and she's having a ball reading everyone's reaction.
::waves at Austin::
Ooh, Shout out to TopicCindy!
My bff is convinced that Sam was looking happy at Lucifur being freed - welcoming him in, so to speak.
I didn't get that AT ALL. Did you?
My bff is convinced that Sam was looking happy at Lucifur being freed - welcoming him in, so to speak.
I think the way he said, "He's coming," is open to interpretation. But ... I am choosing to interpret it as a major, "GodDAMN, I fucked up."
::sticks head back in sand::
I didn't, but I need to rewatch. Which I'd love to do right now, but will have to wait till this evening.
Yeah - that is what I choose to think too. That killing Lilith sucked the last bit of evil from YED out of him.
It would still be interesting if Lucifer chose Sam as his meatsuit, though. In fact, it would be *more* interesting if Sam was demon-free, in a way.
But the black eyes when he was doing in Lilith probably means something, despite his horror and his genuine regret. Sam's faaaaaaaace he said sorry to Dean! Gah.
Plus, they hugged, right?
And they teamed up and killed Ruby: finally.
What do you think would have happened if Dean had taken a swig of that beer or a bit of a cheeseburger? I'm thinking it was a Persephone type deal somehow.
Or slept with Ginger and MaryAnn!