It would still be interesting if Lucifer chose Sam as his meatsuit, though. In fact, it would be *more* interesting if Sam was demon-free, in a way.
But the black eyes when he was doing in Lilith probably means something, despite his horror and his genuine regret. Sam's faaaaaaaace he said sorry to Dean! Gah.
Plus, they hugged, right?
And they teamed up and killed Ruby: finally.
What do you think would have happened if Dean had taken a swig of that beer or a bit of a cheeseburger? I'm thinking it was a Persephone type deal somehow.
Or slept with Ginger and MaryAnn!
I'm thinking it was a Persephone type deal somehow.
Oh, I totally agree.
And rather than riding Sam, what if the Lightbringer decided he wanted green eyes, broad shoulders and freckles as his meatsuit? That would shake things up quite a bit, I'm thinking. After all, Lucifer has two foine choices there--what if he picks Dean, not Sam?
Exactly - he didn't take what they were offering him. Maybe that kept him free.
I need to know what happened when the Archangel appeared to Castiel and Chuck.
Oh, I think it has to be Sam. Just gut instinct. I think they've covered Dean-as-evil enough with the time in hell.
As the vessel?
It makes sense. But that doesn't mean he has to welcome it, does it?
Vessel, meatsuit, whatever, yeah.
And that's what I meant -- it would be more interesting (and way more angsty) if Sam *didn't* welcome it.
Amusing interview with Misha Collins.