Holy crap. Just... wow.
Yes, that is one hell of a cliffhanger (so to speak), but at least we have something like the beginning of reconciliation between the boys. I have to believe that Sam knows now that message was a fake. His "sorry" just gutted me,
LOVED the shout-out to Cindy.
Also, I'm pleasantly surprised that Bobby is alive.
Now, we just have to wonder how/if the boys will escape Lucifer and how Castiel (and hopefully Chuck) will get away from the archangel. Again, I can live with that kind of cliffhanger a lot more easily that I could have dealt with something like the end of last episode.
Also, I imagine some of the other rank and file angels are going to be plenty pissed if they hear how Zacharaiah and the others played them in the fight to "save" the seals.
Kripke is a flippin' GENIUS!
That was a shoutout? To our TopicCindy? Kewl.
Bobby LIVES!!
Hellyes! And kicks Winchester butt, too!
in the fight to "save" the seals.
Okay, I had to back up and realize you didn't mean aquatic mammals. I think the giddy relief has gone to my head, a bit.
Watching Dean and Sam team up to kill Ruby was incredibly satisfying. I think I'll join Ailleann in a cigarette.
Okay, I had to back up and realize you didn't mean aquatic mammals.
Could be. Maybe one reason the demons got from 66 down to 1 so fast is that a couple of them had a
really good
time at the Sunday matinee at Sea World.
Anne, you're aren't W@H tomorrow, are you?
Nope. I'll be in my cube bright and early.
Yay! I'll bring lunch. We'll tawk.
Maaaan, I wanna come tawk, too! Take notes, then post 'em!
I knew something was up with Zachariah. He did most of his "dirty" work without Castiel to witness.
I'm just so pleased Castiel grew a pair (and a soul). Woo hooooo!