If Ruby is Lucifer's First, though, that sort of screws with her story of remembering being a human (by which I mean stuff like Happy Meals and Manchester United, not just ... being mortal on the earth). Not that Ruby is the most reliable narrator.
Of course, I keep somehow conflating Ruby's "I remember being human" with pilgrim!Darla the whore (or whatever she was).
I have been taking lots of Sudafed, though.
If Ruby is Lucifer's First, though, that sort of screws with her story of remembering being a human
Yeah I'm with you. Ruby may not be a reliable narrator, but for this to be mostly false really feels wrong. I always think it would be great storytelling for Ruby not to be lying. Cause if the Apocalypse is averted due her deliberate actions, she is so screwed. Heaven and hell will both be after her. You could have a very angsty conclusion where Sam destroys her soul at her own request to save her from being dragged down to hell and tortured forever.
I read this article the other day and have been trying to find it again to cite it. Here's the relevant quote:
Stavrou: Last month you were picked up for a fifth season - that’s great news.
Jensen: That is great news.
Stavrou: How long are you guys contracted for?
Jensen: For six (seasons).
Stavrou: Are you happy to do six seasons?
Jensen: It all depends. If we do as well as we did this year, next year it will probably look like ... I don’t know what (show creator) Eric (Kripke) has planned.
If he can eke out another season then we can probably go six.
Things that make you go hmmm.
Wow....I would say Stavrou is a closet fan girl and wishes. That is the first time I have seen or read or heard anything about six. It has always been five and out if not cancelled. OMG.
Also...I am officially calling it here. Colin Ford is going to be like Leonardo DiCaprio (hot as of Blood Diamond) and Shia LeBoeuf (hot as of Transformers). Good kid actor who will continue to be a cute kid, awkward teen, and then 'whoa mama' when he grows up.
Hang on - Leonardo diCaprio is attractive now? Really?
Huh. Maybe I should give
Blood Diamond
a try.
It might have been the dark hair rather than the usual blonde, or the accent, but Leo was smokin' hot in BD.
I thought he was pretty hot in
The Departed,
All I can say about S6 is huh.
Heh. For a split second, I thought you were talking about BtVS.