Oh, you woman of strong will. That is a trial I would never pass. Or, I guess I would. "And as the river rounded..The End."
I saw you got the eppys on facebook before I posted my shirtless Winchester suggestion, so I was waiting for the squee.
PS The only spoiler I'll spill is Castiel is hawt. Oh, okay, Dean is hawt too. Does anyone think I should whitefont that?
Omg! I can't believe you spoiled that!!!
Reminder for Jim Beaver and Katie Cassidy fans:
Harper's Island
tonight on CBS at 10 p.m. EST.
It's a short series, sort of half mystery, half slasher flick, from what I can gather.
There are some pretty gory deaths in the pilot.
Also, Katie Cassidy looks way different with brown hair. I didn't even recognize her for half the episode.
How have you already seen it, P-C? I thought tonight was the premiere.
They showed the pilot at WonderCon.
I stuck my toe back in the waters and watched the last two and I have to agree with the assessment that Castiel is hawt and Dean is hawt.
Other than that, I'm pretty confused, but reasonably informed thanks to all y'all. Not at all clear on the theological system at play here, but I'm picking up that I'm not really supposed to be.
Y'all know how Refur (who writes great fic and does awesome ep reviews) also does those Ten Expressions posts?
Well, this is just awesome:
Y'all know how Refur (who writes great fic and does awesome ep reviews) also does those Ten Expressions posts?
Heeee! I had to liberate a tagline from it.