I stuck my toe back in the waters and watched the last two and I have to agree with the assessment that Castiel is hawt and Dean is hawt.
Other than that, I'm pretty confused, but reasonably informed thanks to all y'all. Not at all clear on the theological system at play here, but I'm picking up that I'm not really supposed to be.
Y'all know how Refur (who writes great fic and does awesome ep reviews) also does those Ten Expressions posts?
Well, this is just awesome:
Y'all know how Refur (who writes great fic and does awesome ep reviews) also does those Ten Expressions posts?
Heeee! I had to liberate a tagline from it.
HOMG, that's a great 10 expressions! Muppets!
Did you read her review for 4.18? I laughed so hard I cried, which made my mascara run and burn my eyes, which really made me cry, but I couldn't stop laughing!
She needs to change her name to "reefer." For realz.
I'm still geebling from spending time with her and Riverbella this summer. They're both fabulous women, as well as ardent SPN fans and good writers.
ETA: I had to reactivate the tagline I got from Refur. It makes me smile.
I'm all peeved at P-C for knowing Refur was coming to SF and not inviting me along to meet her... ::pouts::
Oh, Jeebus, that Ten Expressions thing was
comedy gold.
That one was really right up there with her Ten Expressions for Houses of the Holy.
She's SO FUNNY. It kills me how talented she is.