It was. She was cursing Bobby for introducing her to them in the first place, not this job in particular.
Right, but it was Castiel!Bobby that called her for this particular job which then resulted in her death. Had she not been dying, she wouldn't have been doing the cursing and might have resented Bobby for her blindness, but not wished him damnation for all eternity. The last straw for her was getting killed (wuss), and she mistakenly thinks Bobby called her for it.
Dean wins it all! Yay! Everybody lives!
The last straw for her was getting killed (wuss)
Not to be a punk, but YEAH! Come one, one stab in the gut and she's a goner? Come ON.
This is getting to be like the old days with Buffy - what? you've only died ONCE?
Right, but it was Castiel!Bobby that called her for this particular job which then resulted in her death.
I may be mis-remembering, but I thought she blamed Bobby for introducing her to they boys, and they were the ones who called her for this job. Castiel!Bobby called the boys about the job and gave them the info they needed about the seal.
I'm with Wolfram.
Did anybody else think, "So call an AMBULANCE already!!!"?
Yup. Maybe after 10 days of nobody dying, the EMTs were off on a bender.
[link] - freaking awesome fanmade promo vid.
Did any one else think that the reason Sam didn't do call is that Pamela needed to be next to Dean's body in order to bring his ghost back?
I just figured anyone who should have died was going to be reaped anyway, and she was a lost cause. Saving didn't even occur to me.
I think the reason Sam didn't call the EMTs is because Ruby has sucked (or some other rhyming verb) every last bit of common sense out of his head.
I'm becoming increasingly convinced that she's playing a long game and corrupting him to some end other than just having a handy demon-killing tool in hot boyfriend form.