Happy New Year, Antipodestas!
I come with a question for the Hive Mind. Does anyone know of a good resource on Seth Thomas clocks? Ideally 8-day clocks from 1879-1881. I just got a clock that's been in the family for a while, and now I'm kind of curious about its provenance. I've found the official Seth Thomas Clock site and a few sites with a general overview of the company's history, but I'm kind of hoping for a site or forum for antique clock obsessives, the sort who would spend 40 posts debating the font used in the Roman numerals on the clock face.
Why does this give me a dread feeling that he's going to put Sarah Brightman back into the Christine role, even though she's waaaaaaaaay past her "sell by" date?
Nah - she dumped him during the original run. No love lost there.
Nah - she dumped him during the original run. No love lost there.
Yeah, but they're still "friends." She at least sang at his fiftieth birthday celebration.
Did you read today's xkcd, billytea?
Hee. I have now. That's quite wonderful.
psst. I heard that 2009 sucks, and everyone who lives there smells funny.
A Public Service Announcement
Hello, I'm Betty White, and on behalf of all of us here at Fabulon I'd like to remind you to celebrate New Year's Eve responsibly. Drink up, not down, and never more than two drinks at a time. Hallucinagens are fun, particularly mushrooms, but not while driving. Stay away from crystal meth and the people who use it. And by all means, use a condom when engaging in any sort of intercourse whatsoever, especially if your escort is of the paid variety. I know mine will be. Have a safe and happy New Year!
Worksafe, although other posts at Fabulon are not.
What's awesome is I can totally imagine Betty White saying all that.
I am "working from home" today because it was too cold and far too snowy for me to deal with 60 minute bus delays! Because we are not a large city and the buses only run every 40 minutes, and I transfer, that is like a 2 hour delay in getting to work. And they usually send us home at noon-- so not worth my time!
Our just graduated new employee didn't know we had New Year's Day off, which cracked me up! He knew about Memorial Day, though.
because Betty White is awesome.
Being at work is less so.