Now you're just being cruel.
It's for a good cause! The woman who owns the cafe has cancer, and hasn't been in the cafe in ages. She came in to the cafe over the weekend and made the bars. So I
to sample them so I could offer positive feedback, which will hopefully help her feel better.
Many Americans Say Other Faiths Can Lead to Eternal Life
Huh. 42% of Americans say atheists can get to heaven by doing good works.
Time for me to find some blind puppies to help across the street....
Suddenly I think we should have sushi for lunch. DH is playing with wood and the table saw -- not sure if he will want to interrupt it for sushi...
T-shirt of Obama riding a unicorn
Obama is not naked in this artist's rendition.
Oy, Shir! What a week you're having. I hope things get better soon!
I got a burger and tater tots from the cafeteria (they're severely understaffed for the holidays, so the only stations that are making stuff to order is the grill and the self-serve salad bar), with a piece of apple pie for dessert.
Mmmm, pie...
damn damn damn - mac's afterschool which does full day coverage for many days that school is closed (like today through wednesday) will NOT be covering Friday. They had been debating it and were seeing how many people wanted it, of course I was one of the few. damn damn damn.
So I had to sample them so I could offer positive feedback, which will hopefully help her feel better.
Oh great-- be all altruistic and shit. As well as a Taunty McTaunterson.
::goes off to pilfer from her kids' Christmas candy stash::
(I just changed the cat box-- I've earned chocolate, dammit.)
I'm going to walk over to the campus medical center to find out why they aren't answering their phones. There had better be blood and wailing patients when I get there, or else THERE WILL BE.
::resolve face::