So I had to sample them so I could offer positive feedback, which will hopefully help her feel better.
Oh great-- be all altruistic and shit. As well as a Taunty McTaunterson.
::goes off to pilfer from her kids' Christmas candy stash::
(I just changed the cat box-- I've earned chocolate, dammit.)
I'm going to walk over to the campus medical center to find out why they aren't answering their phones. There had better be blood and wailing patients when I get there, or else THERE WILL BE.
::resolve face::
Oh no, Shir!! You are having the crappiest of weeks.
Oh Shir, that sucks! Boo on them!
A Molotov cocktail was thrown in my neighborhood, next to a hospital, on the way I walk to university to every day.
I wonder which God I pissed off that bad.
so sorry Shir - too much at once.
And Shari - thank you for your words in Beep Me.
Some stats, and lots of anecdotes of women with heart disease whose symptoms were misdiagnosed, overlooked, ignored, etc.
I am glad to know there is a nutritional reason to have fries with a burger!
Clearly my lunch was more nutritious than I'd thought.
A Molotov cocktail was thrown in my neighborhood, next to a hospital, on the way I walk to university to every day.
While I don't get people throwing Molotov cocktails in general, throwing them next to a hospital lends an extra dose of WTF. Might the throwers not need it someday? Especially if they habitually mess around with burning liquids.
Shir, I hope you can stay safe. Good luck with exploring NGO work. That's what I'm currently doing, and I really like it.