Minnesota Supremes Shoot Down Crucial Coleman Lawsuit, Making A Franken Win Nearly Certain
Simply put, Coleman is in very big trouble right now. With Al Franken leading by 47 votes, this lawsuit was Coleman's best shot at coming from behind. And it just failed, making a Franken win nearly a foregone conclusion when this recount finishes up in early January.
Late Update: The Coleman campaign's lead lawyer Fritz Knaak says the court's decision today "virtually guarantees that this will be decided in an election contest." So say hello to some messy litigation. But at the point where we go into an election contest, the chances of a Coleman victory are really slim to none. And with any luck, Franken could be seated by the Senate, at least provisionally, in time for the session to begin.
Merry Christmas, to all Buffistae who celebrate!
I am reading Yuletide stories (14,000 words of Masqueraders fic! o/) and thinking about getting dressed and heading up to my sister's house where we will do presents. Soon.
I am listening to friendly squabbling between my husband and my in-laws. I'd rather be reading yuletide.
I'm lying in bed, reading Yuletide and eating leftover Thai food. My mom's trying to get me to be social and watch House with her, but I'm tired of being social and need some alone time.
It's never lupus, Hil's Mom.
It looks like it, but it never is.
It seems like she's given up on getting me to be social. She switched over to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
A Narnia Christmas: thoughts on a semi-secular holiday from the NY Times [link]
The merriest of Christmases, Chanukahs and secular celebrations to all of you.
Elevenses has turned out to be mimosa, pate on french bread and more key lime tart.
Leftover Thai food is yum. I also had a bit of leftover Chinese food, and tonight we're going out for Indian food, so I'm getting the whole Asian spectrum.
I haven't yet had soufganiyot or gelt this year. I asked my dad to get me a jelly donut when he went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee this morning, and he returned with a croissant. Which is good, but not a donut.
We had the holiday meal on the early side this year, which, in my mind, is absolutely perfect as it allows time for naps before true dessert. (We had brownies that we made for Santa that were the teaser dessert.)
The sweet potato latkes were a MONSTER hit-- soooo good and I think I've now been requested to make them for any and all holidays, whether they involve oil or not.