Fuck. Matilda had her last circus class today, and finished off an otherwise lovely session by bouncing off the tumble track (basically a long trampoline for tumbling runs) and whacking her head against the wall. Hard.
Now she's got a goose egg on her forehead that's literally as big as a chicken's egg. It looks horrible and application of ice is wails and wails and fighting and upset.
Woe and stress and horrible looking bruises before birthday parties.
Poor matilda.
Cable guy is here! 3 is so much better that 7pm.
I am mending clothes, 1 down 4 more to go.
Still must laundry and vacuum.
Jack Chick explains what happens when you teach your kids that Santa is real: [link]
It ain't pretty.
ita, is there a limit to the number of links I can send you in an e-mail? I've got a ton to send, but I can break them up if that causes problems.
Aww, poor Matilda. But OMG, she's old enough for tumbling?!?!
I am freaked out by Flea's possum. In the house?!?!? EEP!
Anyone know the French for "Surrender!"? Or of any French poetry that would have been famous in the Napoleonic era?
Gay Penguins Turned Out to be the Best Parents in the Zoo
Remember the gay penguins that got ejected from their colony because they were trying to steal eggs from other penguins? Well, the zookeepers gave the couple two eggs laid by an inexperienced penguin mom … and it turns out they became the best parents in the zoo!
‘We decided to give them two eggs from another couple whose hatching ability had been poor and they’ve turned out to be the best parents in the whole zoo,’ said one of the keepers.
‘It’s very encouraging and if this works out well we will try to arrange for them to become real parents themselves with artificial insemination.’
Wildlife experts at the park explain that despite being gay the three-year-old male birds are still driven by an urge to be fathers.
‘One of the responsibilities of being a male adult is looking after the eggs. Despite the fact that they can’t have eggs naturally, it does not take away their biological drive to be a parent,’ said one.