On those occasions, too, they went to Wal-Mart.
So basically, we're just looking for publicity and expecting that the American public is too stupid to realize it. Because really, we just wanted them to have names that no one else in the world did.
I got a big Victorian Wooden Dollhouse when I was 30? But it was mostly because I was dying for one when I was 6-8 yrs old.
I was gonna say 40+, because I STILL covet a big Victorian Wooden Dollhouse. Not that I have anywhere to put one, or the time to lavish on such a hobby. But still. Wanty.
Somebody please remind me that I have better things to do with my time tonight than argue with biblical literalists.
Suffering from "Somebody is wrong on the internet" syndrome.
Somebody please remind me that I have better things to do with my time tonight than argue with biblical literalists.
I was reminded on Ta-Nehisis Coates's blog today that reason #1 for rejecting a biblical argument against gay marriage is that polygamy and concubines and all the rest were A-OK in biblical times and communities. Argh.
Silverfoxes.provocateuse.com v .5 (alpha).
Took me 5 episodes to work out why the show is called "30 Rock." And to decide it's not for me. I don't like the supporting cast enough.
Today is never actually going to end, is it?
eta: But now I have FUN stuff to look at, at least.
ita, do you need me to do any research for more pictures?
polygamy and concubines and all the rest were A-OK in biblical times and communities
Was that still true in New Testament time? The Leviticus prohibitions can be ignored because of all the other rules that are no longer enforced, but I'm not sure what the best counter to Paul's prohibitions are. Aside from Paul being a general all-around "I hate everyone who's not me" type.
Took me 5 episodes to work out why the show is called "30 Rock."
Why? It's not for me enough that I've never made it that far.
ita, is this silver enough: [link]
The Leviticus prohibitions can be ignored because of all the other rules that are no longer enforced,
People still quote them all the time, though! Even though Jesus said we didn't have to follow all the old laws anymore! (Opening the door for shrimp at office parties and the Reuben sandwich, among so many other things....) I have no need to follow Paul, so maybe I just ignore him.