With the unflattering jeans and oversized shirts.
Tapered-leg jeans, right? If I'm remembering the early 90s correctly, boot-cut was nowhere in sight. It was all straight-leg (for the uncool people) or tapered leg for the cool people.
Which leads me to ask WHY? Why wear pants that are cut to deliberately make the top half of your legs look bigger???
Ah, boot-cut jeans. My thunder thighs love you.
Shit. The book I ordered from Amazon as a gift arrived today in really shitty condition. Fuck you, Bezos!
I associate tapered jeans with the 80s, preferably tapered, acid-washed, with a sassy neon over-dye. Oh yeah. Those were lookers.
About 2 years ago tapered jeans tried to make a comeback as "skinny jeans" here in LA. It lasted about 2 minutes.
What kind of day was today? Today was the kind of day that:
- I discovered I forgot to eat lunch when I found my sandwich in my bag when I got home
- 5 minutes before I left, I got a major change request which I cannot honor
- after spending the whole day trying to suss out a solution that I still couldn't get right
- which meant I can't do a certain set of data
- which 2 minutes before I left, was requested that I do those data first, even after I said I couldn't
- which also wouldn't honor even if we could because I need more lead time than that
- not to mention things weren't working to begin with
- discovered the kitty water dump earlier in the week leaked into neighbors'
- I totally forgot to check in online. Number #48A
- I forgot to call fedex about my undelivered package
A week from monday is going to be very ugly.
Operation Santa Claus shut down: [link]
The United States Postal Service abruptly shut down public participation in all the Operation Santa programs — in New York and other major cities across the country — at 1 p.m. Wednesday, without offering post offices or letter-seeking citizens any understanding of why.
A Postal Service official in Washington, after an initial, limited acknowledgment of a “privacy breach,” said that at one of the programs, not New York’s, a man whom a letter carrier recognized as a registered sex offender had “adopted” a letter. When postal officials confronted the man, the official said, he said he was sincerely trying to do a good deed, but postal inspectors nonetheless retrieved the letter and notified the family of the child.
sara, your day is in serious need of improvement! Enjoy the weekend, and don't worry about work until Monday.
But, if anyone goes shoe shopping, you might consider your choice of style in light of this critic.
Oh dear sarameg. I don't suppose you have a spare sarabot to send into work?
I would like to defend the fashions of the early 90s. I wore Levis 501s, Docs, t-shirts (which I admit were probably too baggy), and vintage cashmere sweaters. I'd wear much the same now, except closer-fitting, and Danskos instead of Docs (since I am OLD and a LIBRARIAN and a MOTHER).
Ah, boot-cut jeans. My thunder thighs love you.
sarameg, hope you can put it all aside until next Monday and have a relaxing and fun time with your family. A48 might not be too bad because they reserve the first 20 or so seats for "Business Class" travelers who have paid more but there never seem to be many of them. (I've flown on Southwest A. Lot. this year.)
anyway, I hope you have happiest holidays!
This goes for everybody!
Well, I'm feeling more chrismassy since I ventured over to the East Bay and found an Actual Toy Store (they're in short supply in SF since FAO and Toys 'R Us shut down).
Got Emmett a big Lego set he wanted and was sorely sorely tempted by the big wooden Victorian dollhouse for Matilda until I remembered she's only 2.
What age do you think would be ideal for the receipt of a big wooden Victorian dollhouse? 4? 6? Wha?