It's actually the skin beneath the lip more than the lip itself. I've been using a shea butter that works. And the Hero Stick works. And so does Kiehl's lip balm.
The problem is that I have to have those things with me and I often forget.
I love this ring so much and I absolutely want to buy it. Except I think I should wait until after the first of the year.
"Heart-healthy" and "festive" are not words that should go together. There are 364 other days of the year to be heart-healthy. Serve a fucking shrimp cocktail.
ION, DH brought me my Hannukah present early - he got me a Soda Club!!! So tonight we had homemade seltzer with our salmon. It was nummy.
mmm... shrimp.
Barb, a little late , but my dad flew for Pan Am. I flew a lot as a kid. While my memoires are from a kid -- first class ( which is not how i flew) had good meals , choices, and there was always extra room on planes. and getting on a plane was less of a hassle. so it wouldn't surprise me if monied people would fly 1st class.
I have seen more than one cat drink from a running faucet. And knew one who would specifically ask for it to be turned on whenever I went into the bathroom at its house.
Mine does this, too. When I get out of bed in the morning, he beats me in there and waits on the sink. If, in my morning sleepies, I don't turn the faucet on right away, he licks it until I do.
It's after 10. Snow was supposed to arrive at 7.
Where is it?
It's after 10. Snow was supposed to arrive at 7.
Where is it?
As Perkins says, Portland. And Seattle.
I can hear something precipitating - so it looks like we got the freezing rain instead.
It feels like it's warmed up here.
Anyway I'm hanging around waiting for my BIL to let me know my parents are picked up safely from the airport. Except I didn't realize he was going to do it: he's mildly narcoleptic and their flight was delayed, so now I'm a bit nervous.
I'm sure they're fine. ::drums fingers::