(x-posted with Bitches):
For those who are interested: Tom Purcell, the head writer on the Colbert Report, would be tomorrow (your today, already?) on a radio show I'm usually listening to on 1pm PST, on this link. A word of warning: the show has it's share of offensive humor.
Yay silver foxes! How about Mark Harmon? I'm glad to see RDA was already mentioned. Cary Grant, in his later years, might be good, too.
They had some graphic pictures on one news site. It was FREAKY.
Kids are both still sick with colds and the up and downs at 2 am and 5 am are knocking me on my ass.
Last night I dreamed that Gov. Blagojevich was criticizing my choice of mustard. He was quite vehement about how wrong my choice of coarse yellow mustard was on hamburgers.
I love the Rachel Maddow show, but I'm thinking maybe I should stop watching it before bed.
My favorite new timesuck: Sock and Awe.
my boss is not in today and apparently emailed his managers, but not me, his assistant, the person who answers his phone. good one.
I am completely phoning it in today. If I can get to the websites to make my charitable donations for Christmas I will do that. If I thought I could get away with it, I would knit at my desk.
Evil Dead Lunch Box
Aww, they SO should have made that to look like the Book of the Dead instead.
I hate parentheses in code.
I mean, we still had a trace on the ground this morning, and by this evening? It was gone. I couldn't even keep the snow I HAD.
Heh. It is crazy snowy and trafficy and nasty here today. And I just heard the people on the news go "some people feel we missed out yesterday, so there you go" as I was catching up and seeing Plei's having typed that. HAH!
AND, I was supposed to have THREE DAYS OF WORK this week (off site work, which is what gives me shit to do at home. My two weeks earlier in the month, I didn't have shit to do). THEY ALL CANCELED ON ME DUE TO WEATHER (the last one today). GRRR.