God, I hate diamond ads. Just saw a Kay one with a guy who doesn't seem to have been dating the chick that long because he's apologising that his signing sucks. But he gives her a diamond tennis bracelet.
Every kiss begins with Kay? Every kiss-my-ass begins with Kay too.
Nearly all jewelry store ads make me angry.
So what I'm taking away from this conversation is that I need to go check out BPAL, right?
They so rarely advertise anything other than the grail of diamonds. But they'd irritate me anyway.
At the end of Criminal Minds when
JJ says "You're smiling."
to Hotchner, CC says he replies
"Yes." But doesn't "Gas."
make more
OK, this is really weird. This guy, J, who I went to high school with, friended me on facebook. I don't remember ever really talking to him, he wasn't in any of my classes except maybe gym in junior or senior year, and he was kind of on the edge of a crowd of guys that I really didn't like. My high school was pretty small, so we all at least kind of knew each other, but really, I can barely remember anything about him. But I figured whatever, and accepted the friend request.
Now, I just got one of those friend suggestion notices, "J just became friends with S and thinks you may know S too." Now S, I do remember. I went to school with him since kindergarten. He wasn't friends with me. He wasn't friends with J. My relationship with S ranged from outright hostility though most of elementary school through mostly just ignoring each other by the end of high school. Getting S as a friend suggestion from J is just confusing.
I am just starting to watch it, ita, but hey,
that's Gina Torres.
Hil, I say ignore the suggestion and don't worry about it. He probably just suggested everyone from high school.
(x-posted with Bitches):
For those who are interested: Tom Purcell, the head writer on the Colbert Report, would be tomorrow (your today, already?) on a radio show I'm usually listening to on 1pm PST, on this link. A word of warning: the show has it's share of offensive humor.
Yay silver foxes! How about Mark Harmon? I'm glad to see RDA was already mentioned. Cary Grant, in his later years, might be good, too.