I know (and love) her from XM. I adore XM radio, seriously. Although I was happy to discover I liked her hair when I finally did see her on teevee.
In other cute political news, D. brought me home the Arizona 'Obama Wins Presidency' paper for me to keep, even though he didn't vote for him. Aww. Yay for agree-to-disagree in marriage!
That article mentions one of my favorite things she's done on her show, when she pulled out a trick-or-treat pumpkin full of candy and equated it to the Lehman Bros. collapse.
I love her from that show on Air America that she did with Chuck D from Public Enemy.
Her plotting the campaign strategies of the Obama and McCain camps on a football grid, complete with yellow chalklines, was priceless.
If anyone here dates or befriends Rachel, I'd be so jealous.
I've added her to my team-switch list.Which seems to have mostly dark-haired chicks on it.
Timelies all!
I have tomorrow off, but G doesn't. Not that I'm going to be able to sleep in, thanks to certain furry residents of this house.
Gorgeous Suite of pictures of Barack Obama at teh Boston Globe website.
He's got some grace, that's for sure, but picture 30 really makes him look like he's walking on air.
Picture 27 killed me ded.
27 - oh yes. And 32.
Picture 33: Do you see how we suffer? Receipts? Whoever heard of voting receipts?