LAistas, space shuttle Endeavour will be flying overhead in about 10 minutes.
Huh. Close enough to make the windows shake? My windows just shuddered and freaked me and the cat out, but I don't see any earthquakes listed for L.A.
ETA: Nevermind, they just listed an earthquake 45 miles away. Must've been that.
ETA: Or, a sonic boom. Huh.
I just heard the sonic boom!
Me too! How cool is that!
Heh. All we got here is cold rainy rain.
Right now, the precip in Chicago is "light ice pellets."
I heard that! (Though I thought it was a truck.) And then started saying "please don't crash, please don't crash, please don't crash."
I might be the leastest bit paranoid.
K came to show me the landing picture to reassure me it had landed safely. I didn't used to be this superstitious about the shuttle.
There was an EARTHQUAKE too? No. Nuh-uh. I don't need to experience that.
Ruby was upset. She thought we got a new pet.
Did she roll all around where he'd been?
My brother's next craft project: [link]
Happy Birthday, Princess Emeline!
I can't hear the words "sonic boom" without the video game yell, "SOOOONIC BOOOOOOOM!"
Poor, disappointed Ruby.
I finished off most of the remaining leftovers this afternooon. All we have left is a turkey leg, some bits of white meat and about a half a cup of cranberry sauce.
We're supposed to get 1-3" of snow tonight, too.
Happy Birthday Emeline!
A long tech with not a lot to do leaves me struggling to stay awake. Send help.