Word, ita, on what everyone has said. I have total empathy. I have weighed being "addicted" to Ambien against being able to sleep, and I am fully on board the lesser of two evils train.
And active brain-splitting pain? Fuck the ER doc. Pain is...pain. You're a smart, TOUGH woman -- you just want the pain to go away, not a high. And it sounds like she's worried about covering her ass, not like trying to see if you can have a normal, head-pain-free life.
Ass her in the ear with a double migraine.
Also, BT, I am so, so sorry for your nephew and your family and sincerely hope for the best outcome. Thinking of you.
Shir, am thinking good thoughts for your sister.
Damn, world, why can everyone just CHILL and get the fuck along? Any higher power doesn't want all this bullshit and anger and hate and pain.
I swear, if someone zapped me and made me a god, I would be super-pissed, cause what a hard job, but I have some very specific ideas about some things I would do. And Thunderdome for some would be one.
billytea, sending out the ma~~~~
I think we have some weird ideas about addiction. I understand the dangers. But there is a huge difference about a physical addiction that eases a physical problem -- which improves a life and an addiction that wrecks lives.
and how about my friend L. her father killed himself, her mom is deppressed , but won't admit it and her sister sleeps about 20 out of 24 hours. L recognized the family problem and will be on prozac for the rest of her life.
and I take 7 drugs a day -- to keep me physical healthy. Long enough without some of them , I would have some serious health problems , and die much sooner than planned.
When I was in school -- addiction was defined as using a drug/ drinking alcohol with a results that caused a problem in your life. I like this definition because it has nothing to do with frequency, but more to do with results.
This means that if ita has to go to the ER every few 3 or 4 days ( i know you try for only once a week) to be a functioning productive member of society -- it is good. She mayh be dependent, but an addict is the wrong word. Because that would make my friend L, my DH , my sisters, my parents, and me all addicts too.
~ma to your family billytea.
sending pain free ~ma and dealing with smarter docters ~ma to ita.
billytea, you and your family are in my thoughts. Much ~ma for your nephew's recovery.
and on a different note -- robot army
She mayh be dependent, but an addict is the wrong word.
I like this distinction. It's like something a psychiatrist told me about OCD--if it doesn't negatively impact your life, it's just a compulsion. When it starts dragging things down, it's OCD.
BT, thinking healing thoughts towards your family.
OMG, it's raining like a mad thing in Tallahassee. This is going to make the Florida/FSU game, erm... interesting.