Wow. Quiet board.
I just got my ass kicked by an angry ER doctor who said that treating me as often as I felt I needed was tantamount to malpractice--building an addict. Fuck, I know it's a bad idea, but sticking through the pain is...well...painful.
I really need a new pain management regimen. Stat.
So what, his solution is for you to sit at home weeping with pain? WTF??? How is being an addict worse than living in constant, excruciating pain? God, that makes me so mad. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that on top of everything else, ita.
What Kristin said. I wish there were a better solution for you ita.
WTF, ita? I'm sorry you're having to deal with that sort of nonsense in addition to everything else.
his solution is for you to sit at home weeping with pain? WTF???
Hers, but yeah. They're building an addict she says. Know what? Right now I don't actually care about becoming an addict. Not right now. That can be undone--they already did that with the morphine and I got off it.
Hell, if they can find a non-narcotic non-addictive solution I'm all over it! I'm not stupid. But they haven't yet, so I spent this afternoon blubbering with tears in the ER instead.
So it would be better for you to be completely incapacitated by pain? Moron.
Gah! I wish I could something that would fix this for you, ita.
I'm finally getting around to watching Spooks 706, and I'm happy to report that
Jo is being far more competent and together.
I'm here with Kristen and Polgara. We're ready to go to the ER, crack her head on the concrete, and refuse to allow her treatment so she doesn't become addicted.