Hee. I thought about how to post a hypothetical question earlier and thought better of it. Not that I'm doing any Secret Santa stuff. Just, if I was.
Last year someone, I don't remember who, did a supersneaky one--s/he got a conversation started in Movies about what movies made people say, "I know I love this, why don't I own it already?" every time they saw them, and then got his/her target the #1 movie on that person's list. Devious! (Plus, a fun conversation for its own sake.)
I think I did that to Laga. Hee. Worked well, too.
You're a sly one! (Remind me that at some point before she outgrows it, I need to film Matilda answering the question, "What does a sneaky person say?")
Also, hi! I feel like I never post anymore due to workday craziness and evening exhaustion. There are so many people I miss.
I don't know what to do with myself...David's had Matilda all day, and I'm sitting in a little coffeehouse poaching free internet off the bar across the street and
1,500 words today and still going. My brain hasn't been spinning like this, in a good way, since almost forever. It's lovely.
Plei may enjoy this, as may others: Atlas Shrugged updated for the financial crisis.
HA! Oh, that was *painful* in its hilarity.
Wow. Quiet board.
I just got my ass kicked by an angry ER doctor who said that treating me as often as I felt I needed was tantamount to malpractice--building an addict. Fuck, I know it's a bad idea, but sticking through the pain is...well...painful.
I really need a new pain management regimen. Stat.
So what, his solution is for you to sit at home weeping with pain? WTF??? How is being an addict worse than living in constant, excruciating pain? God, that makes me so mad. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that on top of everything else, ita.
What Kristin said. I wish there were a better solution for you ita.