I am home from being co-cook at my sister's house. We accomplished turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing (in and out of the bird--you can't have too much stuffing) and turnip with parmesan and green beans with almonds, plus home made rolls and salad and ginger-orange-cranberry sauce. And homemade gyoza and fresh shrimp for appetizers. Plus three kinds of pie for dessert. I made the gravy, the rolls, the potatoes, and the chocolate cream pie.
My sister and I started drinking at 1:30. Long day. But everything came out great and the kitchen is clean and I have some leftovers (although not pie). The advantage of living so close, however, is that I can go over there tomorrow and maybe score some pumpkin pie for breakfast...
I hope everyone had a lovely day.
Just posted an add for our used cooking oil on Craigslist. I hope there is someone local who distills their own biodiesel fuel that needs a few gallons. I'd hate to just throw out all this cooking oil.
Anybody know what we can do with it? It's a peanut/soy blend.
There have been thefts of used cooking oil. So I'd be hopeful that someone will answer your ad for being able to legitimately get some free. If you are talking a small quantity, you might have to deliver it.
I also posted on the daily newspaper's website message board. I hope someone wants it.
Attention, Hec. Forgot to mention I have a SUPERSHORT pixie cut now. She used clippers. I've gone back to brown with some random blonde streaks, too.
Gronk. Guests just left. Dishes 90% done. Turkey a success. house reclaimed. Woo!
Found a nearby company that specializes in small scale biodiesel manufacture--including oil pickup at local restaurants. I've dropped them an email.
I'm off to moisturize my dishpan hands.
Our Thanksgiving was full of yummy food, and I have half a pan of mom's artichoke dip in the fridge, therefore I WIN! (Sure, we've also got mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, stuffing, and roasted yams in the fridge, but mom's artichoke dip is addictive.)
Pete and SA are playing Little Big Planet and cheerfully smack-talking at each other.
That is a brilliant idea re. the cooking oil, Cash.
Man, it's like it's the day after thanksgiving here. I am the only one of 6 in my immediate work group who's here.
I have to get dressed and head out to work in a few. Don't wanna.