Happy Birthday, Daisy Jane!
I'll be making the venison mincemeat pie this evening. Dad and I are heading out to a Thanksgiving buffet on the day. But I've had three Thanksgiving-esque meals already, two of which involved homemade food, so I don't feel deprived. Overfed, yes. Deprived, no.
Happy Birthday, Daisy!!!
I'm working at home today so I can leave earlier to go up to Delaware. Worst Day of the Year to make that trip. The paper always has stories about how to avoid Delaware on your way to your Thanksgiving destination. There's no avoiding it for me!
oh well, there will be nieces and nephew there. Plus, tomorrow, pie.
Happy Birthday Daisy! Safe travels Sparky & DH and Lisah and... oh heck. Safe travels everyone!
"I don't want to please. I don't want to thank you."
We had this problem briefly with Emeline. The conversation went:
"Daddy, I want chips!
"Say 'please'."
"I don't want to!"
"Then you don't get chips."
"Here you go. Now what do you say?"
"...thank you."
"And victory is mine."
"Love you, daddy."
"Love you, punk."
aw ... loving Em ... and MM's parenting (evil genius) style.
one was met with a withering stare and a stern "I don't want to please. I don't want to thank you."
She appears to be channeling her inner Cordelia.
Happy birthday, DJ!