"I don't want to please. I don't want to thank you."
We had this problem briefly with Emeline. The conversation went:
"Daddy, I want chips!
"Say 'please'."
"I don't want to!"
"Then you don't get chips."
"Here you go. Now what do you say?"
"...thank you."
"And victory is mine."
"Love you, daddy."
"Love you, punk."
aw ... loving Em ... and MM's parenting (evil genius) style.
one was met with a withering stare and a stern "I don't want to please. I don't want to thank you."
She appears to be channeling her inner Cordelia.
Happy birthday, DJ!
Happy Birthday, DJ!
And such is the benefit of Mommy's Alzheimer's that I don't remember having the "don' wanna" discussion about manners. I'm sure we did. I just don't remember.
I do, however, remember Abby pitching the fit of the century, round about age three, when, after being repeatedly reminded that the channel was going to be changed so Daddy could watch something on the television, she acted completely shocked when it actually came to pass.
And demanded that it not be changed. And Daddy held firm. And Abby went ballistic and was finally sent up to her room where she continued to howl and wail with the door closed, something to the effect of, "You'll all PAY! I'll never watch television ever again!!!!!"
Out Magazine's
"tally of the 100 gay people who made the biggest impact in America in 2008."
RACHEL MADDOW was #1. Check out the picture - not her usual "tomboy" look, but she still looks awesome!
It's been almost as big a year for Rachel Maddow as it's been for the political world she covers in her nightly MSNBC show. The 35-year-old Rhodes scholar, a TV novice but veteran radio commentator (with Air America since its 2004 founding), seems to be having the time of her life. "I think of this as a chance to talk about the news on TV for an hour each day," she told the Los Angeles Times. "How awesome is that?"
Pretty awesome indeed, according to the audience response: Hers was the most successful launch of a new show on MSNBC, doubling that channel's viewership in her time slot from 800,000 to 1.7 million viewers. "I'm a big lesbian who looks like a man," she told one interviewer. "I am not, like, Anchor Babe, and I'm never gonna be."
Happy Birthday, Daisy Jane!
Why is today hectic at work?!?!? I have people asking me for things that they never actually asked me to do.
them: "do you have that information for me?"
me: "what information?"
them: "?!?!?"
me: "I am looking through my emails on this and you never asked me to do anything and I am not sure where to get the information you are requesting. In fact, my first call would be to the people that you are in a meeting with right now."