The Saints have scored 51 points in this Monday night game. That's a record.
The real estate company has dropped the price on our old Columbus house again. It's now for sale what we paid for it in 1999. And $25K less than the company paid us for it.
Dani linked to this on her LJ. I am not convinced it is real:
Sort of safe for work, as long as your work doesn't mind the mention of semen.
Okay, my soup is all done. I started out with a recipe for gingered butternut squash soup, and now have curried buttercup squash soup. That'll teach me to go to the grocery store when I'm wiped out after work. It's still yummy though.
Sue, that is incredibly disgusting. And I don't think it can possibly be real. I hope. I couldn't look at it too long, because I was averting my eyes.
Wow, Cashmere, sure glad you had the buyout as one of C's negotiated perks.
Meara, it's from a self-publishing site, which is the only reason I will even consider it might be real, because otherwise it's just wrong.
I love the commenter who says it's wrong on the grounds that semen should be savored straight and not adulterated with other ingredients.
But I hope it's a joke.
Wow, Cashmere, sure glad you had the buyout as one of C's negotiated perks.
I know! We'd have been royally screwed.
I read a product review in Bust this month of a suppliment that's supposed to make semen taste good but the reviewers stated it didn't work.
Okay, so he's definitely no Joshua Jackson, but James van der Beek is on One True Hill this week, and he made me laugh really really loud in the first minute he was on the screen.
oh and remember that thing where I had never had an account with the gas company, but my gas has been on for the 6 years I've been here, and then I got all signed up and they turned off my gas instead of just setting up the account and billing me? Well the gas got turned back on in a few days and today I got the 6 year bill.....almost $700. YAY?
Sadly, I think it is a yay. You got off cheap. When I lived in NY my gas bill was generally about $15 a month. Which I always thought was ridiculous for one appliance, but, then again, I hate electric stoves.