javachik-- they recycle a lot of it, pass on usuable things to charity, et cetera. At least they say they do, which I will hope very much they aren't lying!
Awesome! I'd totally pay for that service. OTOH, the tax write-offs are nice when I do it myself.
That pack of puppies reminds me of when I saw my sister last week. They've got four llasa apso mix dogs (mama, papa, and two puppies who are now adult) and her stepdaughter's chihuahua, and it's a madhouse when you walk in the door. The dogs are all stuck in the family room/kitchen (except for the chihuahua, Freya, who can slip through the gate), but they go bonkers when you come in. If you don't go right over and say hi to them, they go even more crazy. They're all great dogs (except for when they get the pantry door open), but the papa dog, Pixel, hates my stepniece's cat and starts barking whenever he sees her. They had to put up a curtain in the doorway to let her walk around the living room without getting Pixel all riled up.
I am interuppting this Natter to ask a Fringe question, as I don't know where we talk about it, and I am just in the middle of the Pilot on Hulu...
What does Joshua Jackson's father talk in a British accent?
Because he's really Denethor?
They don't explain that, Sophia. I handwave it by taking into account how batshit crazy Walter is.
Hmm. I am still confused-- but I will be handwaving, I guess.
His accent didn't catch my attention. Does is sound like any particular sort of British?
Actually, he sounds a lot like the woman in he English Department where I work who we all thought was British, but it turned out she was from Buffalo and just really affected!
Why does it require handwaving for him to be British?
From A Family Of Four With At Least Three Accents.
I just realized I'm annoyed with my vet. He was in two weeks ago and they sent away for a shitload of blood tests, and I haven't heard anything back, so I called today, and no call back! I'm assuming that means no problem, but still. Just freaking call!